
Trouble is when you've kissed one Borg, you've kissed them all...

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I can also recommend the "less science-y" but still oddly funny... Posh Nosh

Only when Bruce McDonald gets to finally make a feature length "Ed the Happy Clown" will the mainstream have finally become weird enough.

"It is finished Magos Selena... but I fear it will never walk."

In the post apocalyptic future however....

Judith Krantz -Princess Daisy - one or two very graphic scenes... but nothing compared to

My own enduring memories of LeGuins books Earthsea books were how mean people were, not that this was a bad thing but for an impressionable teen it was a fascinating change from reading books where 50% of the characters were benevolent and kindly.

No not Anathem... please not Anathem.... it seemed to never end and never get anywhere... but then there was another country and another set of exposition and another thing our hero could turn his hand to until there was somewhere else and then some more exposition and another journey and... etc etc /rant

The science in Red Mars was okay but the female characters were terrible, while the two male leads seemed to be indomitable "Marty Stus".

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Makes me think of the equally trippy video for Birdy Nam Nam

Yes but are there any villains who win using brains over brawn?

Apart from the neutral-lawful-neutral "The Watcher"

It's a good read despite the protagonist being unlikeable.

See also the classic "Frontiers of Space" by Bono & Gatland

Puce - the car color for real men and those who wish they were

Mmm ramekin-y

I can't be the only one who read the headline as...