
David Warner or GTFO

I can't be the only one who mis-read that as Amy Chow....

It's very high on the baffle-O-meter... and I'm still not sure if the prequel saga helps in any way at all....

More Chris Foss covers can only be good thing surely...

Luckily the scientists at FASA already have a manual

At Church Charity Sale in the early 1980s...

THAT looks amazing! Tell us more!!

1984?? Pshaw!!

The Whispering women videos were deeply disturbing on many levels... unless ASMR is about making my skin crawl.

Now playing

See also the guy in "The Machine Gunners" who could only say "Where y'goin' now?"

Thanks for that! Intriguing stuff!

"Together" is a fantastic film , for the characterisation alone.

Somewhere Robert Zubrin is very angry

Fairly damning debunking of Dave Aspreys claims can be found here:-

Me and a friend made up the idea of remote phrenology.. which we reckoned would be phrenology at a distance to make weird guesses about the person based on head shape... e.g. that celebrity is on drugs.. look at the shape his head!

Where they explain the history of the Templars, in a bar beside a pinball machine.

I watched the first few episodes of BSG and couldn't quite get away with it.. no big deal, no show is for everyone... BUT on a whim I watched the finale and I'm so glad I never pursued the show to that crappy denouement.