
No mention of original freaky minifigs?

It's not what I remember but i think you're probably right... though I think I may have been blurring it in my memory with God's War by Kameron Hurley - I guess I'll buy both and see how it goes!

Def not Charles Stross, I'm 90% certain it was a female writer.

I'm sure io9 reviewed a novel about two warring factions of androids, but I'm damned if i can find its title anywhere...

It was commissioned by Goebbels though.

It's deliberate B movie fodder.

Now playing

It almost feels like watching the final (and best) episode of a trilogy of films. There's no exposition as to how they met...

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Death Machine - Steven "Blade" Norrington directs and shamelessly rips off Terminator, Robocop, Aliens and every other big budget sci-fi he can think of... and throws in William "Porkins" Hootkins and Brad Dourif to chew some scenry and the characters are all named after film directors!

So true... Brad Dourif is awesome.... and it was great to see him with Christopher Lee in LOTR!!

Saw it at the cinema as a teenager... and still watch it today it's like a pantomime for adults... Tremendous fun.

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I collect 30 second clips form io9, dangerous minds and disinfo all year and play them at New Year here's 2012/13 mix...

I always thought Gaga was part robot

A friend of mine a veteran hardcore punk devotee has ELO as his chill out "cigarette music"

The Stewart Cowley books are awesome...I put one on my Amazon wish list, and my wife was slightly unnnerved by how pleased I was when i unwrapped it on Xmas day

Munich Machine - with goggles

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I see your trailer and raise you a trippy 20min remix of the whole movie!

His buddies fly planes for Black Sabbath.

Pre Grizzly Adams, Dan Haggerty was a stuntman and animal trainer. And quite ripped... if you like that sort of thing.

I don't even know what a proper book is or if I've been reading them all along.

I might just look at sculpture... of course it's a bit unwieldy on the way to work in the morning

In other news, local authorities have called off the search for missing local man...