
I remember him making some kind of comment about the weapons/food stockpiles and how long they would take to deplete.

Could be worse he could've battled the Bureauc-Rat and his Red-Tape gun

Rave the boardgame - it's a real thing. I nearly bought it once in a junk shop. You have to collect trip or pill counters (yes really) and avoid the police to get to an illegal rave... Jamie Hewlett was involved…

A friend tried very hard to convince me this was a deeply scary and menacing game... anyone care to verify?

The last GoT book made me want to drink mulled wine and ate bacon every day... wrapped in a black cloak

I'm reliably informed that the character (unintentionally?) appealed to Lesbian and bi women and there's supposed to be a fair amount of Janeway/Seven-of-Nine slash fiction out there.

Star Trek Enterprise - have drink in season one anytime Captains Archers Dog appears... for no reason whatsoever

(I know this will get buried in the torrent of super-villains and cartoon bad guys but I have to give some props to this guy...)

I have no quibble with the science in the book. Anathem didn't contradict the little that I know about Quantum mechanics and parallel world theory, I just just felt the ending was flat and I found the protagonist more and more irritating as the book progressed.

Kneel before FatFrakes!

I slogged through endless world-building for an annoying damp-squib of a finale which I can sum up as "in the quantum world.. all stories are true." Which is only marginally less satisfying than "it was all a dream". Hopefully in a parallel universe there's a much shorter and less pompous book with a better ending.

This this this!

*Sigh* I hate to be that guy, but I really didn't take to the Boneshaker series, despite being a big fan of things steampunk, I even made it through Jay Lakes "Mainspring", definitely a curates egg of a book.

It was on one rainy Saturday afternoon on British TV in the mid 80's and many kids of my era remember it vaguely as "that WWII film in the desert about ghosts who didn't know they were ghosts". It spooked a lot kids back then.

If you manage to watch LA Takedown then please reply to this as I'd be intrigued to see your response. Of course it's limited by it's budget/cast but I just remember hugely enjoying it when it was on shown on TV in the early 90's.

I always wanted the big white house that JIm Belushi and Dana Delany have in "Wild Palms"... though I could probably do without the rhino or the cult soirees under the pool.

I saw LA Takedown before Heat without realising one was a remake of the other.

Just a shame it'll never be coming out on DVD, the original cut was about 3 hours long until the studio saw what M. Mann had created!

I'm worried about attending conventions ever since I started watched back-to-back seasons of CSI... conventions never end well for anyone be they human or beats... or something attractively in-between.