
Wait... what ... how?

I'm more of a fan of Michael Mann apocrypha like "The Keep" and LA Takedown, both of which he never seems keen acknowledge, let alone discuss... which only makes me like them more.

A Fight Club twist in Collateral - so that Jamie Foxx is pre-programmed sleeper agent, who is activated and becomes the super violent amoral gunsmith Vincent. I was absolutely convinced that this was the plot for about half the movie. Especially when Max is suddenly able to talk his way out of a situation... would've

I have a vague recollection of reading this a long time ago, the protagonist is some kind of Policeman? It's certainly predates Robert Harris Fatherland. such a shame that Philip K dick never wrote his sequel to Man in the High Castle that would've been set on the Nazi subjugated Eastern side of the United States.

Excellent site... not seen that one before best survey of all the polar myths legends and lunacy is

Excellent site... not seen that one before best survey of all the polar myths legends and lunacy is

Which leads inevitably to

Iron Sky is great but I always get a buzz from reading these utterly unsubstantiated [and quite unhinged] articles about Nazi UFOs -

How far is it from Lave, and does it sell docking computers?

It's a wonder someone hasn't slapped a D-Notice on this

Having read the Twitter shortened article title "Archaeologists Find Sunken Nazi Sub..." I hoped it would end with "...on Mars!"

Reminds me of the late 90s when I spent my days processing global Sea Surface Temperatures. We were approaching a petabyte of historical data even then.

That picture makes me feel a bit funny... not sure if it's in a good or a bad way

based on Edith Head!

Michael "BenfromLost" Emerson was the best thing Lost... the only reason I kept watching... right to the bitter end....

Sam has a great story arc from country bumpkin to spider slayer and finally to a revered and benevolent patriarch.

The Unusuals was not the best series but Goldberg and Perrineau were fantastic and should've had their own spin-off

Tron on Betamax from the local "Video Den", we even had to rent the machine!

Jake Busey FTW