
Sad that some of you can't see the bigger picture here but hopefully you will read this specific thread and something will sink in. sugaredpeas is not "blaming" racism. She is pointing out how it feels to be a woman who is always thought of as strong, and to be humiliated and left to defend ones self while a group of

Most people think I am a guy, but no. I do dig Kevin Smith and his character Dante says he is not supposed to be working in the movie Clerks and since I am generally fucking around when I should be working..well you get the idea. Great topic question by the way, so cool to see what everyone's name means!

I'm really bad at tech stuff, and it was hard for me to figure out I needed a burner, and figure out how to get one. I finally figured it out, but I didn't really have a name ready, and there was an article I wanted to comment on right away. I had certainly noticed that having a snappy screen name was absolutely de

I've noticed that people on Jezebel etc. have interesting screen names. Some are obscure and others are easy to figure out. Why did you choose your particular name? Mine is because I'm in love with Leonard Cohen. I broke up with my BF, a hardcore fan who introduced me to his music. Almost every song resonated with

That's how people explain their connection to an event and why they feel badly. What they're saying is "I have a 5 year old too, and I can't imagine what I would be feeling if my child were in that situation but I can understand the fear that something bad would happen to your child and be unable to stop it or

Actually, I'ma let you finish.

Good essay.

So you're argument boils down to the fact that since there is corruption and injustice everywhere in the world, we should turn a blind eye to the massive corruption and the sanctioning of human rights abuses (which extends throughout ALL Russian society at every level, not just LBGT issues) that define the Olympic

Still dodging.

Those rules include following and upholding the law, right?

At this point, I see one of two possibilities for you:

But courtrooms don't have rules against breastfeeding, because that one is protected by law.

But breastfeeding is allowed in court. By law. It's not the same thing as peeing in a jar in court or wearing short sleeves in court. Neither has been protected by law and there is a really good reason for the peeing one.

There are laws specifically protecting the rights of breastfeeding women in public, so yes. I missed the law specifically protecting your right to rock a sleeveless shirt, but if it exists, please do let me know.

Hm. Ok, I get why you think it's a reasonable questions, but it's really a flimsy analogy.

I think Jez should use an actual picture of a woman breastfeeding as their top stock photo. Part of people's discomfort (including my own) is because we don't see that image...ever. Here's one to start:

I think it would be more naive to think that anyone who has a "foreign" sounding last name isn't a native English speaker. Regardless, seeing that this is a college course, I don't see how it would be acceptable to submit complicated assignments in very poor English. That's not fair for the students, regardless of

My head already exploded, I'm now picking up the pieces and trying to put them back on with super glue.

I will attempt to solve the problem in the view of a C++ programmer. We will use variable P for Everybody/People. P needs loving (variable Lv) + understanding (variable Un). P needs courage (variable Cr) to continue to live (variable Lf). The value of Cr comes from Lv + Un. The value of of Un comes from listening

Did I miss the reason why it was written as basically gibberish, on top of everything else?

As meh as it was the Coven finale was a million times better than that "sixth sense" bullshit they pulled with Tassima in the first season. Anyways...Fashion Scavenger Hunt for that dress Cordelia wore in her final scene with Fiona