Why has the Greek chorus been calling it “trivia night” throughout the whole show? This party has nothing to do with trivia, from what I can see.
Wow, I actually felt my vagina slam shut and try to permanently seal itself off
I remember watching a CBC program about this years ago (Fifth Estate maybe?), and one of the lead detectives talked about looking into all the vehicles in BC and Washington state that had had the handles removed from the inside of doors, and there was some incredible amount of men they investigated who were cleared -…
I would totally come up to one of these dudes in public and shove a swaddled doll into their arms.
Hey, if a rape is “legitimate,” the female body has a way of shutting the whole thing down.
Talc can be contaminated with asbestos. The article about the case does not indicate whether any evidence that contaminated talc was used by Johnson & Johnson was admitted in this case. However, talc and tremolite asbestos can occur in the same deposits. Tremolite is a very carcinogenic form of asbestos because the…
I’m not thinking it’s egregious, but since Jez has been writing about the topic of late, I thought it’s another example that should be noted. But yes, your point is valid.
We’re friendly with the DJ at a club we’re at every weekend. He’s situated about 4 or 5 steps up in a 3 sided booth. We get there early and usually grab a bite with him but if he’s already gotten started and has his head set on, we knock on the floor to get his attention. Last weekend he was telling us that someone…
I’m not sure. Last night one saved my life.
What a sob story.
Partially. But I think that Lamar maybe didn’t believe his “good fortune” or in himself and sabotaged. Scott completely buys his own PR, has major entitlement issues and probably thinks he can outsmart, out maneuver, out dance an addiction.
“Codependent No More” 4LYFE
You missed it because you weren’t being glib ;)
I’ve just been crying with laughter just remembering this, thank you. Perfection.
“Mother has run amok!”
What, you don't think "ew" is a proper way to describe a scientific study?
Unlike many (many many many) birthing trends, I’m actually cool with this one. I mean, I get being squicked out, but the idea has some solid merit. Most babies pass through the vagina and get well and truly rubbed in its juices during the birthing process; that’s not gross, right? Why is this? Colonization by the…