
Gran Turismo is a game, and iRacing is a fancy game. You can play Gran Turismo with a regular controller or a fancy controller, you have to play iRacing with the fancy controller.

Didn’t Jason point out in the first article he wrote about that Tiguan that he knew that engine was a ticking time bomb and declined to do anything about it until it blew up?

this is for a $500 console

Step 1: insult subject game and the “kids” who enjoy it.


David Tracy is the lunacy this website needs.

there is a pretty big cost and learning curve difference here. Ace combat and a three panel fully immersed plane cabin are also miles apart...

Story time: I am 39 and have a kid and a dog, so not nearly the kind of time needed to grind away at GT, at least not to ever get the really nice stuff.

Somehow, someway this has to be about money. Keeping people from altering their save files to get access to cars or upgrades that you either have to earn or buy. And they're hoping you'll buy so a lot of things are probably locked behind really high experience requirements or whatever currency this series uses. Can't

I’m still confused as to why they care if someone cheats at single player.

You really think any old VW is going to burn someone worse than commuting in an antique truck on Chicago roads in the winter?

David Tracy with the WTF answer as expected. lolol

Good grief.  You bought a bottom dollar worn out GTI.  Get a nicer one.  Get a 2010-11 with the TSI (be sure tensioner’s been replaced) or a 2012+.  David, you’re lovely, but generalizing about VW’s like that is what kept me afraid of them for so long.

In the #2 scenario let’s suppose she slips and hits her head on a rock.  How are they going to prove it was a slip and not a push, especially since there is evidence of domestic issues in the very recent past?

It’s generally good advice. But take it with context. If you refuse to talk to the cop when you get pulled over for a routine speeding traffic violation, the ticket is going to be worse. If you are a jerk when you meet a cop on the street, well, you’re just being a jerk, probably no consequences.

Did you commit a crime? Don’t talk to cops without your legal representation present. Ever.

Come visit my new establishment; “The Most Dangerous Game Campground and Adventure Area”

She didn’t want to be separated from him and began slapping him, and he “grabbed her face and pushed her back as she pressed upon him and the van,” the report states.

I think you tried a little too hard on this one.

It could be worse.  They could have a YouTube channel.