
I expect to be back in the greys soon, but that’s ok. This place will be like my old hometown. Will I pop in every so often to grab a burger and say hi? Maybe. But it won’t be a place I go to regularly anymore because most of what tied me there has moved on.

Well let’s change that:

Rory’s comment was just such an unforced error.

Maybe it’s a Hail Mary attempt to stanch the torrent of absolutely deserved ill will Rory unleashed yesterday with his now-deleted, utterly fucking tone-deaf, pissy little bitch comment yesterday.

What, was “Tetanus and Taillights” taken?

I will always love that Jason looks nearly life-size when presented in comparison to his Chang-Li.

I won’t lie to you. I didn’t read a single sentence. I read the title and immediately went to the comments to express my dismay. Then 5 minutes later saw the separate article about both of them leaving and almost fell out of my chair.

I will not be renewing my Jalopnik subscription.  Also, where is everyone going?  My guess is thedrive since that’s where everyone goes.

Where is the roast?

Did you miss the very first sentence?

Oh, buddy.

“He’s taking not only his taillight erotica but also a third of our audience with him.”

WHAT?! huge loss for Jalopnik. If David Tracy leaves too I might finally un-bookmark Jalopnik.

Jalopnik is dead to me now.

Those are my two favorite writers...

That must have been a good reply all chain. I wish we got to experience all of it.