
Eh...I think this extends beyond hillbillies. I’ve met plenty of people in major cities that are the same way.

I belong to the local small town Facebook news page and they can’t go more than a week without complaining about the two-year old traffic circles, despite the fact that they’ve completely eliminated the huge traffic backups we were dealing with on weekends.

Without the slightest bit of snark or sarcasm, keep up the excellent work, Torch :D

The average new vehicle price is $41,263. I’d guess that not lot of people with less than $7500 in tax liabilities is buying a brand new vehicle unless they live with their parents or are in the military and have Uncle Sugar covering rent, food, and healthcare.

Do you not travel on any interstates or larger state routes to get to your vacation spot?

But the article needs a headline.... so

1st Gear: I don’t think having to use government subsidies to get people to buy EVs is a good plan long term. They need to be made well enough and useful enough to have people buy them regardless. Giving a big discount to the automakers gives them no incentive to figure out how to make them better and cheaper. This is

It’s worth noting that to realize a $7500 tax credit, you have to be making a decent amount of money to begin with.

Having flown private several times (thanks work!), I can tell you they don’t leave the plants/food in the jet when they put it in the hangar. All that stuff is fresh every time you get on board. I don’t think Audi is going to come by to water my center console plant (maybe I’m wrong), and I certainly don’t want the

And that back bench looks ludicrously uncomfortable. Like a bus bench covered in cheap Alcantara.

It’s rather cute how proud Europeans are of all the compromises they make in life. Tiny cars, tiny streets, tiny houses/flats, call it all perfectly fine. We like stuff, and space, here in the USA. Definitely a bit too much, but.

Name checks out.

I wonder how we Europeans cram babies into Golfs or Polos even, yet you murricans need huge SUVs for single babies. I mean, I know yall fat bunch of blobs but come the fuck on, it is a baby human, we are talking about, not a baby Godzilla... I was hauled around in a Porsche 924 the first 4 years of my existance, FFS.

This almost makes me more upset, why does it have all calculator buttons? I guess Sharp wanted to reuse thecalculator body and only change the memory and operation?

Nope, these were mandatory training videos for the poor saps who had to try to sell these things to the public.

Beware on that i3. You will go through tires about as quickly as any of the BMW M cars, and they’re a custom and difficult-to-find size.

That UI makes my brain hurt.

I’m biased, but Golf 7 Sportwagen. MPG average is in the upper 30's (I’ve gone over 40 on long highway trips) and it runs on 87 octane. Plenty of room for stuff inside as well. Best car ever!

I think we have found the only two people who weren’t doing cocaine in the 80's...

This question really needed a size of vehicle stipulation. If the current SUV is a Suburban, all of these suggestions are going to feel tiny and a larger used vehicle like a V70 wagon would be a great suggestion. Sure, it’s not a hybrid, but it doesn’t have to be to make substantial improvements on big SUV mileage.