
Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] Sponsor:

SD Codified Law § 32-34-5 states:

Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] Sponsor:

A withdraw slip from a bank accou...

You could blow a tire and accidentally kill someone, horrible thing to happen but doesn’t make you horrible. This dude hit someone and drove off. Doing that makes you horrible.

I once carried $5000 in cash to buy a car, and was nervous the entire time. EVERYONE looked like they were going to rob me.

Lack of accountability is nonpartisan.

It’s frustrating that Garland hasn’t reinstated the CAF rules that Sessions ended. I wish both parties were better about this. 

Don’t forget “I smelled marijuana.”

“the dog alerted” is the most widely used lie in law enforcement.

If you hit a deer wearing glasses, perhaps you’ve had too many drinks.

Suspicious or not, there seems to have been no reason to seize the cash in the first place. They can get his info and investigate as needed.

“Sounding suspicious as hell”, “not trusting banks”, and “raising red flags for random internet commentators” is not, as far as I’m aware, any legal test for the seizure of assets.  

“I left there confused. I left there angry,” Lara said in an interview with The Washington Post. “And I could not believe that I had just been literally robbed on the side of the road by people with badges and guns.”

Theres a TikTok lawyer who dresses rather eccentrically but has smart advice: SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Do not say a fucking word to the Police without a lawyer present. Your short-term might get messed up a bit, but your long-term might be saved in a huge way.

I’m not condoning this behavior in any way, once they decide not to pursue charges, they should not be able to keep anything they seize from you.

Because cops...something something something... hard choices, etc. ACAB.

There it is ladies and germs - you’re daily reminder: Don’t volunteer information to the police!

Yeah, if this isn’t unreasonable search and seizure then I don’t know what is.