
Needs googly eyes:

I haven’t really been following this, and am a bit confused. The UAW boss was caught defrauding the rank and file and sent away.
Meanwhile, Stellantis/FCA were caught offering bribes to union officials, and the officials were caught taking them.
But, the Jones case doesn’t seem directly related to the Stellantis

No. But you should really consider and Outback or Forester.

Two sentences on *what* FCA agreed to be guilty of, instead of just a link, would have lifted this article tremendously. 

Yeah, your research shows that you’re a absolute idiot.

So in fact... They’re not good, usually just a virtual shelter to artificially cover common wrongdoings.

45k gets you the base model of the Kia lol.
It’s not gonna get you anywhere close to the 591 HP model lol.

This is 100% true.

I wanted the same and ended up getting a 2018 Golf R. It’s a good car, a really good car. But it doesn’t fill the WRX shoes, in many ways it’s better (sound, interior, power, low down torque, rev hang) but the AWD is inferior and the boot just was too small even with the seats down.

And this might be stupid, but the R

It pretty much has to be on both sides or what is the point. 

becoming adults with creaky bones saw us trade our wrx for a golf r (with an m235i in between.) the golf r is definitely our favorite car we’ve owned, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss a little bit of automotive savagery in my life

Are unions good?

Yes, it’s called the Golf R.

Would that be minding your own business sitting at a red light that hasn’t turned green yet? In stop-and-go traffic with a huge line of cars in front of you? Or while someone’s pushing a stroller in the cross-walk in front of you?

So it was corruption on both sides? Yikes.

Looking forward to being revved at (annoyed) by one while I’m minding my own business.

it’s a shame the commenters here would rather have it with a CVT

Manual is great. Hatch or die though. 

The place to use self-driving tech is long haul trucking. You put trailer switching hubs right off the highway. A human driver hooks up a trailer, sends the autonomous truck off down the highway 400 - 500 miles to another hub. Another human swaps trailers, refuels and inspects the truck, and sends it to another hub.

Not without the hardware to do it, they’re not.