
Ok Raph, this article is complete trash and I think you know it. First, there is really no proof that this particular car has any Hitler connection. Second, if you really want to throw this car to the dustbin of history at least be consistent. We have many other automotive and non-automotive subjects to cancel. IBM,

It’s possible to own things without being invested in the views of the previous owners. I own WWII firearms that were used by Nazis to kill people and others that were used to kill Nazis. My feelings toward fascists don’t change depending on which one I take to the range.

This car is problematic if (1) it is venerated because of its connection to the Nazi era, and (2) the people venerating it are doing so as a back-handed way to praise Nazi accomplishments. Is there evidence of this in the actions of the owners, the judges, or the Pebble Beach management? Or is the fact that the car

Few serious people have actually adapted this opinion with respect to the enormous quantity of WWII-era art, design, and poetry plagued by its odious connection to fascism. Not sure there is a need to start now.

What a gorgeous car, yet here we are with this “article”. 

And the US space program

What is known about Friedrich Geiger, who designed the car? Its a subjectively stunning and dramatic design, which explains its appeal. The restoration shop also did an amazing job, and deserves recognition for that if nothing else.

The Nazi’s were (or still are if you count 8chan?) horrible humans that committed some of the worst atrocities in human history.

This “article” is such a dumpster fire I don’t even know where to start, so I won’t even try.

Don’t you own a Nazi-designed Beetle?

I vote they call it “crashymode”.

Encountering an emergency vehicle? Obviously an “edge case”. Doesn’t apply to every day drivers! Right?

Who approaches an accident scene on cruise control or any auto control feature?? If the driver is paying attention they usually slow down and move away from the lanes being used before they reach the scene.

Do you plan on including the fact that other TACC systems fail to recognize emergency vehicles consistently?”

They should have done this awhile ago. And also, force Tesla to change the name of autopilot to something else. People still seem to assume the car can drive itself, and do stupid shit behind the wheel.

Now playing

I sincerely hope that is a reference to the Clarke and Dawe skit.

At least the front didn’t fall off.

The issue is stationary vehicles. If it hasnt moved since it started looking at it, it wont care about it. This flaw has been around for years. If the object is moving really slowly it sees a car and tracks it as one, otherwise its a pretty bad blindspot.

People have been buying them for 30 years

I complain about the midwest a fair amount, but even in the heaviest gas tax state (IL) my last diesel fillup was $3.05 and gas was $3.19. Electricity is 11.4/kwh for summer rates burning that sweet, sweet coal. Think it was 8.9/kwh last winter.