
Get fucked, bootlicker.

The guy takes time to write a well thought out, respectful response and this is what you have to say? Super classy.

Now playing

7oh2, I wholeheartedly agree with you on this. Respectful discourse is lost in a world of soundbites, immediate judgement, and jumping to the extremes at every opportunity.

So what you’re saying is that you support a system of quasi-legal immigration that lets people come here to live, but offers them no protection from exploitation whatsoever.

This. My view on immigration comes down to this: we should comply with our own laws, whatever we decide those laws may look like.

Fair arguments. There are definitely places with low population density. Another outcome of COVID is the move away from cities. I believe this trend will continue. We also have an economic reality based on information and services jobs, which support broader distribution of people. I’m on my phone outside of the

There is literally no downside to increased immigration

It’s sad to think about the situation that leads someone to believe those are the best decisions for them to make. She probably knew her judgement was very poor and did all those things anyway. Honestly the fuel hoarding is the least severe offense she made.

The best part? The hack didn’t hijack the ability to move fuel through the line. The company shut it down because the hack was of their billing system and they couldn’t charge people.

Wow. Classic one-sided, stick to the party line without any critical thinking. Kind of like the idiots who toed the MAGA line without thinking about it. You know nothing about me or my ascestors yet you pass judgement. I won’t argue with your (wrong) interpretations or judgements because arguing with someone who

On the upside, they’re likely out a ton of money that they irrationally spent on expensive gas they can’t use.


Stopped coming to Jalopnik because of politics. Then I heard they were going to purge the political crap from Jalopnik after Gawker media went bankrupt. Then I came back and this crap is still on here. What does this have to do with automotive journalism? Was it because there was a sprinter?

“Hero” for stopping the law from being enforced? Absolutely not. I’m a huge advocate for more immigration into the US (especially from Mexico, Central, and South America). We are a nation of immigrants and our culture grows through immigration as does our economy. There is literally no downside to increased

It is gonna be fun, I’ll get the popcorn, you get the nachos.

Can’t wait for the comments on this one.

people are getting hurt through questionable choices involving fuel hoarding”

I always appreciate the irony of a comment about the stupidity of others, complete with a spelling error.

Surely you mean a Firebird?

feelin so fly like a G6.