
Lex Bezos would like to have a word with you and Elon.

And China will listen... why?

No, I mean him because he’s a grown-ass idiot man-child and his parents, though morally and ethically responsible for him, are not legally liable for his grown-ass idiot man-child shenanigans.

Brah, if you gotz the coin, why iz you so financially challenged that you settle for a Model 3? Get yoself a Model X or S and floss.

Where can I rent a big white semi? There is an experiment I want to try in front of this dipshit.

Maybe next time, we don’t put links to this morons Twitter, giving him even more views, and thus, inspiring him to do it more in the future? The biggest insult you could inflict on a loser like this would’ve been to ignore him.

You mean his parents. That level of entitlement is caused by rich parents.

I did that for a year in my 20s. Seriously. It wasn't as cool as I'd hoped.

Yeah, from his profile, it’s easy to tell how “believable” his claims are. Given he went right back and bought another Tesla to do the same exact stunt after getting out of jail and having his Tesla impounded (and after the judge clearly telling him what he was doing was illegal), it’s clear he’s just doing it for

People like this make me want to live in tarp-covered hole in the woods.

I have to assume that his insurance company sees this and immediately drops him from their policy.

That’s definitely the profile of someone who tells it like it is, and doesn’t exaggerate for effect. I’m sure he’s done 40,000 miles without driving...

I don’t even think LS powered RX7's are that controversial. In every way that rotary engines are trash, LS motors are king. Not a Chevy fanboy, just realistic.

Yep. Buy that RS6. That is the clear winner. 

No, I’m with you.

Something about running an engine with no exhaust manifolds on has always put a smile on my face.

It’s a federal tax issue. Businesses which purchase large vehicles can claim 100% deduction off their taxable income for the year. This rule was set in place to encourage the purchases of new business vehicles (e.g. trucks, heavy duty vehicles, etc.), which happens to include large SUVs. It’s not a carve out

I fully expect to be the only one who thinks this is awesome, and I’m ok with that.

Yeah... he wants to spend up to $150K on a vehicle but he’s worried about paying a bit of extra tax.  Fucking stupid. 

He is a front line doctor. He can’t wait for his car to be fixed every week