So its carefree, tonally confused, nostalgia infused, incoherent borderline nonsense that sounds both intelligent and impenetrable at the same time? Its the perfect Kingdom Hearts “review” then!
So its carefree, tonally confused, nostalgia infused, incoherent borderline nonsense that sounds both intelligent and impenetrable at the same time? Its the perfect Kingdom Hearts “review” then!
Let me save you all some time. This is a VERY LONG “review” which is actually 98% some guy being a jerk about the franchise while simultaneously free associating memories of the prior games he admitted he intentionally wrote negative reviews of just for the hype. Halfway through reading this you’ll just be puzzled as t…
Why is it that every single article I read about Fallout 76 makes me feel even less interested in actually playing it?
Yeah. He got a taste for it and then he was lovin’ it.
Well, obviously. He did get arrested after all. And if people were constantly paying attention there would never be any crime.
And dilute the brand, which marginalizes the reasons for owning a Nintendo system. Like I said, every time this ‘Why don’t you put your games on other platforms’ question pops up, it’s addressed by Nintendo and has been over and over and over and over again, with damned fine reasoning and counters. The extra money (If…
It is an issue for instances where, say, your Switch gets stolen, or if you need to send your Switch in for repairs (where the standard procedure is to wipe the entire system in the course of the repair).
I have no problem with the ports either. I think it’s cool that more people are given a chance to play these games. I’m actually hoping they port over Wonderful 101 at some point.
My problem is that the port to original game ratio is a joke right now. We just saw a 30 minutes long Direct and literally 90% of it was…
Honestly, I wish all of these console games ported to PC offered some level of mod support.
Sprites are definitely smoothed out and less pixelated.
Not the best, that goes to Final Fantasy IX
They were definitly made with mobile in mind but Cheesus Rice! People simply want something to hate on. Images doesnt do the graphics any justice that may be true, i can agree on that. The Game in motion is totally fine. I love both version the old and the new alike.
You will never be able to make all the people happy,…
I’ve really enjoyed getting to know Young Jean Grey the past few years. For all the grief that many X-Men fans heap on the original 5 being in the present-day comics, I’ve really enjoyed what’s been done with their characters, especially Jean Grey.
Eh, I think an awful lot of fans (myself included) have taken the past 7-8 years and gotten more invested in Pheonix’s ties to other characters, especially young Quentin Quire. He’s a lot more intriguing a host in many ways, especially because he’s ethically very undeveloped and could be amazingly good or bad as the…
Sounds good. Wonder how long it’ll last before another writer is like “haha just kidding Jean is phoenix again.”
Mannnn, I know I’M fine with it. I loved SotC but the framerate was so jank even back then. Sometimes it’d slow down so much it was like you weren’t into some Max Payne bullet time or something, lmao. I personally feel like this ups the game to something more than a somber adventure... It feels even more cinematic…
This game might not be for you lol
Is it just me, but I feel bad about the colossus. He was just minding his own business then this jack-off came around, riled him up and then commenced to murdering him for no reason. This thing was like a giant cow, why the hostility?
She isn’t a bike courier because a future with bike couriers makes no sense. The manga was written before emails and texting.
I think the big eye look was a choice to make her look intentionally unrealistic, so that youre always aware that she’s not fully human.