It makes sense for a childish character like Goku, and distinguishes him from all the other deep voiced stoics on the team. Even Sean Schemmel’s delivery is higher-pitched and goofier on Goku. It makes a certain degree of sense.
It makes sense for a childish character like Goku, and distinguishes him from all the other deep voiced stoics on the team. Even Sean Schemmel’s delivery is higher-pitched and goofier on Goku. It makes a certain degree of sense.
Agree to disagree on that. It can take a bit of getting used to if you’re only familiar with the English dub but I think Nozawa’s voice works great for Goku. I don’t think it would work in English, though.
Goku’s voice actor will outlive us all, and rise above the gods.
Pretty American view, but I mean..... American website. The Actor absolutely fits the character.
I was more worried about Goku’s voice actress :/ Doing that hectic voice acting schedule once a week cannot be healthy for an 80 year old...
Rogue Squadron reboot by Criterion would be really cool. I’d almost certainly buy it. But what would really make me lose my mind is if Criterion rebooted Tie Fighter.
I think if you did a proper head count you’d see about 20% fans, 20% haters and 60% of people quietly not giving a shit and getting tired of the lot of you yelling at each other.
You can literally unlock Vader in an afternoon’s worth of playing. A few hours. The forty hour metric being shouted from the Reddit rooftops is grossly exaggerated.
Let it go. It’s over. Your the only one left standing at the protest.
For you it was TIE FIGHTER ... for me it was LEISURE SUIT LAR— ... I MEAN WING COMMANDER
Uhhh Kylo Ren is available from the start. No unlocking needed.
I pre-ordered Battlefront II for Starfighter Assault alone, and I never pre-order. I just got so addicted to this during the beta. I’ve been championing a Criterion-made Rogue Squadron game, hopefully with press talking about this mode it might become a reality.
For you it was X-wing... for me it was DEAD OR ALIVE EXTREME VOLLEYBA-...I MEAN TIE FIGHTER!
“However, the game didn’t fair better than its prequel did in Japan at release.”
Anime is the perfect medium for the Blade Runner universe.
Yeah, October 2017 isn’t exactly a prime month for Xbox fans to finally play some hot new Destiny 1 content. (Image via the Destiny Wikia)
I think the bigger problem is that the article and video make 0 mention of the target audience. They set expectations by including a very broad “fixes romance” in the title while omitting the “for women and queer men” qualifier.
The author of this article is someone who worked on the mod. I’d say conflict of interest if it wasn’t clearly disclosed that he worked on it, but the whole thing still just seems fishy to me, especially given that the ‘article’ itself is just a video, and nothing like what I’ve come to expect from this site in…
Tell me more about this fucking every woman quest...
Fus-Ro-Dah-dah-dah more like.