Neo-Con Aquaman


Feh, I say. FEH! I still have and use my iPod Classic and have a nano and Shuffle lying around. They do what they were built to do, do it well, and don't have a lot of geegaws and apps bleeping and blurping at me to buy new apps.


And it gets you to the parking lot or mass transit stop first! EAT MY DUST, SIT AND THINK AND WATCH THE CREDIT LOSERS!

It's an inevitable thing, Morty. Tru*URRRRRP*mp wishes he were petted and adored like a little kid. We'll probably get more information on that when the fu*UUUUHRP*ll report on his Russian hooker escapades get released. Golden showers and child reversion fetishes go hand in hand. Ask Jerry.

He's gonna make all the on set envelopes pregnant!

The Fuck Who Loved Me.


Without Littlefinger, the halls of castles will go entirely un-leaned-on.

One dragon will probably be warged by Bran.

I told my family "Jon and Sansa should have a 15 minute pre-meeting before group gatherings. It would really smooth things over."


Cersei, to her credit, installed light rail all over the place. People focus on her severe decisions to protect her family, but don't thank her for her mass transit improvements.

Nymeria not letting her pack snack on the horse?

He distinctly requested pandas that would spank him, which we failed to train them to do, which meant only disappointment after all that work. Still, that's on us for not completely reading the contract terms.

"Every frame has so many treads and scales going on…"

"Superman was a beacon of hope to the… International House of Pancakes! Come by IHOP for your Justice League breakfast platter through December!"

"Spider-Man? Not my tempo." [throws drumsticks at Spider-Man]

Dookie - Thanks for writing this. I hadn't actually contemplated what the theme/plan was for BvS. I was too stupefied by yet another Superman movie that seemed to hate Superman and where Batman shoots guns and blithely murders people.

That makes it much easier to roast and eat whale tenders without the meat slipping off. Hope they show that in the movie.