Neo-Con Aquaman

Maybe Lois Lane is actually Melisandre in another disguise?

Each action scene will begin with the heroes looking at a framed photo of Superman, and whispering while touching the glass: "For you, Superman, Kal-El, Clark, son of Martha."

The real reason is, you guessed it…

It'd be cool if they don't bring him back, but instead throw Superman's casket as a weapon.

Looks like Batman is the only one who doesn't groom himself regularly. Bet it smells AWFUL inside that suit. Outside the suit, too.

Isn't this just the NFL?

I enjoyed this show on a regular basis. Some episodes were slow, but when the writers or a contestant were on fire or chemistry clicked with several people it could be fun. Thanks to all who worked on it.

Jon Snow University, like Trump University you pay a fortune and still know nothing

"Karrrrlov? Sidekick? FUCK YOU! Karlov doesn't deserve to smell my shit!"

I took Cassidy for using reverse-psychology on Jesse. Since Jesse snarled at and insulted him, Cassidy figured whatever he advised, Jesse would do the opposite.

Did Stannis leave a note letting people know the Dragonstone WiFi password?

1/2 of the Freys: "Why is Walder being so nice?"
Other 1/2 of the Freys: "No idea, lol."
All Freys together: "Huzzah, drink!" [die]

Good list. Part of the grim comedy of pandering about coal jobs is there aren't that many coal jobs to save. Other people get excited about coal jobs because they feel it's earnest people making a dirty but honest living getting old-timey sources of energy. But they don't realize there aren't many coal jobs to save

Tell that to Melisandre, priestess to the Lord of Light, who made the corpse of John Snow come back to life! All hail R'hilor, the Lord of Light!

I'd go to Saudi Arabia, but Trump keeps elbowing me out of the way so he can touch their glowing orbs and give them blow jobs.

They jump to feelings, not proof. And when you point out they mostly cite feelings, they get more frantic and cite more feelings.

I never tire of my cousins who voted for Trump continuing to call Michelle Obama a racist who attacked them over and over again (we're all white in our family). I ask for specifics and they never provide any. Round and round.

Suicide Squad 2: Squad Goalz

One thing that could turn this series around: is if they cure the zombies and things get much better, but no one thinks to visit the Southeast where The Walking Dead takes place to help them out.

Damn, hooker.