Neo-Con Aquaman

And bananas the size of a school bus! And the stink of all the poop! But maybe King Kong installed an island-wide sewage system because he's handy.

I marvel at the casting director who cast sensible kids. None of the leads lost their minds under astonishing fame and seem to have remained sensible human beings.

All I want is your streaming rights to your… hits.


Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I donut understand these puns.

The movie's Big Bad is the Crab Legs Cracker.

There must be a movie director Harrison Wells they can pull from an alternate Earth.

Mel Gibson.

How many Danzig units is this?

Can I still … do things … to a vaccuum cleaner?

"Awesome! Love the spirit! Now how about we add TALKING to the slow motion punching so we get both thinking and hitting together?"

Writer's Room: "Great! I like that idea of Holmes and Watson having to think to solve this mystery. Now add more punching!"

Favorite line from The Da Vinci Code: "I need to get to a library, fast."


It's Lex LUTHOR, video caption writer at Variety, not LUTHER. Now to start my day enraged, beginning with my explanation to the people at Starbucks why this is stupid and horrible!

At long last, someone willing to take on the moral bankruptcy of Darwin! Now to continue under The Bible's guidance of pro-slavery, death as a penalty for most anything, and genocide for funsies!

If it gets romantic, please post pics.

But with less death.

Hollywood: "Shut up, Mr. Carpenter. You were not brought upon this world to 'get it'."

"A Brief History of Time", not "…of Our Time".