Neo-Con Aquaman

Such a sweet balance of timing, talent, and swagger combined in Appetite for Destruction. Tremendous album. Then things swelled and fell apart. The others wanted to stay a rock band. Axl Rose wanted to be like Queen but instead ended up like Elton John.

My family and I kept watching the part where they are in the forest and Hank yells out: "Hey Wu, come here!" and we hear random gunshots, like Hank wants to target Wu in a crazy shootin' party.

"Let's play Super Soakers and get half the neighborhood pregnant!"

According to a Coke-branded trivia slide that used to play in movie theaters, the Falcon role was offered to John Lennon.

Appealing actor, good director, Oscar-winning writer puts together his own Batman vehicle instead of conceding control to Zack Snyder? OUTRAGEOUS!

When is Gwyneth Paltrow releasing a full album of Cee-Lo/Gnarls Barkley covers? Her cover of "Forget You" (wimp version of "Fuck You") on Glee held my attention for at least 15 seconds. Coldplay songs usually put me to sleep within five seconds.

Without George R. R. Martin to have written the books already, what if this season was simply the characters pantomiming what they are doing without dialog?

"They just messed with the wrong people."

1.) Dust farts.
2.) Sharts.
Too late in the evening to offer great detail.

Cardellini made for a gorgeous Velma, which was confusing since she's supposed to be a tomboy and Daphne the hot one.

NVM. Just read that Fox rebroadcast the Showtime series. That's how I watched it.

Wasn't It's Garry Shandling's Show on the Fox network?

Brandon Routh was underrated in that movie. It got a lot of moments right, and the helpful step-dad (and dad theme in general) worked. If only it hadn't been another Lex Luthor real estate schemeā€¦

Justice League: Lighten the Fuck Up

People in theaters should look forward to hearing lots of: "Oh, you're so BAD! I can't believe you said that!"

Pitch meeting for the sequel: "THEN, get this, it's like the T-1000 in Terminator 2 but GOLD and drapery!"
CEO of Hollywood, takes cigar out of mouth, leans forward: "Let's make this happen!"


Fucking monkeys. Why'd it have to be fucking monkeys?

I would love for Peter Dinklage to play Indiana Jones' OTHER bastard son, via Kate Capshaw's character Willie Scott in Temple of Doom. Or maybe Dinklage could play a grown-up Short Round.

Will Shia LaBeouf reprise his role as Poochie?