
But...she’s one of the boys!

*sorry this happened to you, dude tried to do it to me when I was a sophomore and I pushed him over and then tried to step on his neck. I got in a lot of trouble for that (I’m female, IT PROBABLY GOES WITHOUT SAYING).

“We tried to show the stigma these people face daily by undermining/misrepresenting their authentic experiences and further stigmatizing them.” There, fixed that creator statement.  FFS. 

Nice!  Always appreciate Billy Idol when I can. 

I think “for fun and content” is now the most commonly cited legal excuse for annulment, right behind the evergreen “fraud”.

Forget the movie, I held my breath through that whole gripping review! Whew! I cannot wait to see this.

To be more specific, the police report states her home address to be the bottom of a dumpster covered in dried Four Loko, chaw spit and broken meth pipes.

Andy Cohen reminds me of a guy I went to high school with who people only tolerated because his parents went out of town a lot and he was always letting everyone party there.

Here for the Willi Smith retrospective!! I wore his shit OUT in the 80s.  THANK YOU FOR THIS!

Anyone screamed “THE LEFTOVERS!” into this void yet?

I am a maritime lawyer and I can confirm that making Jessica Walter cry is indeed punishable by being sent to the brig.

This show is AMAZING and I am so glad it was renewed.  

Wow. How can you even think of yourself as compassionate? It’s (fixed that for you) absurd to insist on your own outdated version of decorum in reporting on issues like this. I do not care about your opinions on journalistic propriety. This type of reply is unacceptable even for TMZ.  

Her character was such a boss.

Yeah season 5 sucked (especially coming after the monumental season 4), but I really enjoyed the final season. Lots of good Wynn Duffy moments.

Thanks for the BJH ref. She also held her own against Sam Elliott and his terrifying bare upper lip.

He’s been mustard ducked

Spaghetti (or as he’s also known: Pasghetti) and Mr. Pirate (the friendly chonk from the ‘how to pick up a cat like a pro’ video) are my new heroes.

I gave you a star but oy vey.