
As a card-carrying hardass who believes no one, I can tell you trauma does strange things to your recollection. I have a physically traumatic incident from 35 years ago I still have no recollection of. I have the narrative from others who were there, which I formed together with my perception of events afterward to

...or if she was from, say, Syria?

Me, too.  That show got me in its clutches and never let go.  

So glad Yvie won. Let’s be frank, Ru was never going to crown the one white girl over 3 black ones, no matter how badly she wanted to. Good thing, because as much as I like Brooke (and her congratulatory tweet to Yvie was really perfect), she was the least interesting of the final four.

Also: Vanjie owns 51% of this

That and Arizona State!  

If my repeated viewings of Columbo have taught me anything, it is that weapons training is always optional. ; )

That’s because the member who originally ran the MS-13 Twitter account now writes tweets for Wendy’s. 

Me, too. My heart dropped into my stomach at the “happy to chat” option, though. I have too many people as it is asking me endless questions about Uber vs Lyft, do I do this full time, etc etc, all while I am trying to cross over 3 lanes in less than 1000' distance. If Uber could add a “maybe don’t ask your driver to

Jon Snow: everyone still living owes a debt to those who died.

I think that lip sync showed that Vanjie is listening to the critiques. That was an emotional, but well-paced, lip sync.

It made sense to me.  I’m assuming, knowing nothing about the character backstory, that he was a yuppie and made his money in the 80s.  

The whoopie cushion. I missed 2/3 of the dialogue I was laughing too hard.  I love how many of the skits take a sudden left turn near the end (the receipt one is a good example).

I have a good one: popcorn. I ignored my nervous tummy one night and had some popcorn, which I threw up a few hours later. Want to know what comes up? It’s not the soft fluffy white part: it’s the bits & shards of hard corn kernel. It was literally like throwing up a bunch of toenail clippings. Now even the smell of

What a charismatic man. Now he & Digger can plot together against JR up in heaven.

As a former library worker, THANK YOU

We have to wait 10 seconds

That dragon ride to the waterfall was pretty lame. When they kissed, I half expected a record scratch and for Drogon to put his wings over his eyes.

They need to fire the producer who scheduled Yvie and Plastique’s arcs for the same week.  

When you really grind away, you get these shooting pains in your mouth/jaw at random times, it’s the cracks you wind up making in your teeth. It’s very painful. My guard has sort of became a comfort for me, just popping it in, because it improved my mouth pain so much.

Me, too - love those tabs (and thanks for the alternate uses!). I once accidentally dropped my guard in a parking lot (I went through a phase where I needed to wear it while I drove) and it got run over while I was in the store. When I saw the broken pieces on the asphalt, I actually started crying.