
Liam G. is magic, all you haters. As you were.

I love Drogon’s appearance, first screeching and unseen, then blasting a ball of fire into the air and finally flying through said ball of flame. It’s like he makes his own breakaway banners, but you know, made of fire. That is a true flex.

I read a story years ago about another guy who did this. I recall one of his diary entries starting “Readers...there is no nice way to put this. This morning, I awoke shivering in a large puddle of cold diarrhea....”  YUP.

Not at all. I would still let him wear me like a hat. It’s a really big blind spot.

I have a Nikki Sixx blind spot 100 miles wide, please shame me I deserve it.

Am I the only one who saw this in my head when Ru announced the runway theme?

Please be careful. All this talk of falling down and gashes has me worried, as I really do enjoy reading your comments.

The schadenfreude present here is like a whale fall: it will nourish my kind for generations to come.

That picture/chyron combo is killing me. 

I did not see Mercedes’s LSFYL coming. She was standing up there during judging, shoulders all curled inward like she wanted to be as small as possible. Then that music came on and a goddamn lip sync assassin emerged. She needs to trust herself more, because that girl drew serious blood.

Another groundbreaking dispatch from the pages of Duh Magazine. (NB: I love The Takeout and all they report, I really just wanted to make this joke.)

“We derp”

Me, too.  He had the loveliest, most evocative voice.  It made me sad and excited all at the same time.  This one really hurts, RIP to this gentle soul.  

Yeah I think maybe they took that BP while he was deeply asleep or something, because there is no way...

I remember that episode! If memory serves, he said something along the lines of considering changing his selection when he realized he’d actually have to go and eat the shrimp cocktail again for the segment.  : )

I like this Valentine.

Sounds about right. When I used to have to take public transit, the bus driver on my early AM route liked me to jump up and down and wave my arms as he approached, you know: so he could see me better. Even during the summer when it was light out. It’s called doing a good job! God bless these fine fellows for crossing

Man, this one hurts. Albert Finney was one of those actors who was never outshone in a scene, despite not always being the flashiest actor. The gravitational pull of his pure talent was enough.  RIP to a true legend.

Sounds a lot like The Shooting, minus the considerable charms of Warren Oates saying “vittles”.  

I liked this episode. Ugh the writing (so many skit retreads/outright repeats, but thank god no game show), but I think James McAvoy did a great job. I nearly pissed myself every time he gave a thumbs up at the camera and said “CHARmin”.