
I stan everything she does

I legit cried at the end when they showed everyone, the faces of those who learned from him and loved him. What a great documentary.

The real MVP is the kid in the blue shirt vigorously picking his nose at the table behind Scottie Pippen as the 1.8 sec drama unfolds. That kid is going for it!

Just here to say I love Stephanie.  Gosh I love her.  She’s got you guys and hey, she’s now a RW two-time winner!

CANNOT WAIT - congratulations to Michael!

Please tell your husband that a random thrifty lady on the internet said he’s very lucky to have you

Now playing

I find this clip soothing in moments like this. I like how unbothered they all seem.

Your review was a joy to read.  Streaming this tonight.

Red Headed Stranger, man

As someone who abused opiates daily all through the 90s and early aughts, I can tell you this: it explains the devotion to Activia.

Thank you for this. I was just talking with someone about how great he is when he has that combination of thunder and focus. I really feel like MBDTF is his black obelisk.

Bless you my kinja friend for the KITH joy this morning

I gasp/laughed - well done, friend!

Officer Who Shot and Killed #AtatianaJefferson Resigns ‘Before He Could Be Fired Rehired Nearby’ Police Chief Says

Ginger Baker also inspired Woody Boyd’s mother.  

Making up alternate versions is a lot of fun. [blank] be [blankin’]. I’ve made up three versions so far: Dogs Be Fartin’, Trump be Tweetin’ and I Be Eatin’.

They missed an opportunity there by not calling it the Hyacinth Bucket. Ha ha!  Shout out to all my Keeping Up Appearances fans! Hello...?  

They missed an opportunity there by not calling it the Hyacinth Bucket. Ha ha!  Shout out to all my Keeping Up

Oh my god Charlotte Rae and Kate Gosselin had a baby

I worked as a vet nurse in the 90s and we had a dog brought in for eating a whole package of condoms (per owner). Once we induced vomiting, a large amount of neatly rolled-condoms did come up, however it was just the condoms. No foil wrappers. So many questions, all these years later....

If you use the ounce size instead they usually play along. I like to say “May I please have a...what do you call your 16oz size?” and they usually say the silly words for me. : )