
The theme song cracks me up - it is so theatrical and heavy-handed.  I could not adore it more. 

Right? She’s loving, talented, messy and utterly perfect.

I sang it to my dogs for at least a half hour afterwards.  

True. Though for people who have struggled with or lost a loved one to opiates, there is likely *no* price high enough.

GREAT NEWS - this show is literally morphine for my soul. 

This reminds me a little of that story from Champlin, MN: Carrie Pernula. However, Carrie was obvs a meat-eater (and my hero). : )

I give you all the stars for that comment and your screen name. Allez cuisine!

Fundraising is *only* permitted within the FBPC for events/literature related to green bell peppers, because they are such utter trash. 


Me, too - the cibophobia, but not the autism. Big hugs across Kinja to you, my friend! <3

When you have an intake restrictive disorder or cibophobia, your body actually shuts down in the face of a food your brain/disorder won’t accept. In many cases, mine included, the throat closes and it can be painful to even get water down for hours afterwards, just from seeing the food in front of you on a plate. The

damn this album f*cked me so good I almost said I love you

Sounds like someone at DARPA read Recursion. 

It’s SO GOOD.  I’ve eaten 4 in the past 2 weeks.  Also way easier on my GI system.  I hope they never stop selling them. 

Right with you, pal!  Computer: insert james_harden_eyeroll.gif here

Popcorn should be #1. When you throw up popcorn, you only throw up the shards of hard corn kernel - it’s like throwing up a sticky pile of nail clippings. It is a profoundly unpleasant experience.

I thought he was perfect. The duck-waddle trot-walk, especially. Seems a role tailor-made for him (no shade intended to Mr. Devine).

Who will yell GO TO BED now? Really, I love B, she is never not compelling TV, and I hope nothing but happiness & success for her future endeavors. I do worry who will be the Sonja-whisperer now, though.

Crap I hope it’s nicotine vapes, because I vape my weed most days at work and I don’t want to go back to edibles.  

I’m in Seattle and I’ve never had Chick Fil A. When they opened about 20 min near me, I still didn’t go. I don’t need to wait in a line for something I’ve never had before. However there is a Popeye’s near me and they are open on Sundays and there is never an unreasonable line. It’s also delicious - even the dried