Thanks for not making this a slideshow.
Thanks for not making this a slideshow.
Hey now, she has a job as a professional racist alcoholic. Looks like her next performance review will go well.
My husband is tempted to get Disney Plus just for the Mandalorian (which I understand was the intention). But I convinced him that all we really need is to watch clips of Baby Yoda for free on the internet.
I’m no fitness guru, but I’m thinking the Nanjiani in the photo is not the current day-to-day fit Nanjiani he is now, that’s the dehydrated-for-days, just-worked-out-so-veins-are-popping fit Nanjiani. It’s enough to be jealous over, but people should know nobody really looks like that day-to-day.
Wypipo gonna be mad. If it’s one thing they hate it’s a smart, talented black man that reminds them of their mediocrity.
“closed a two-book, seven-figure deal”
I wish there were a button I could hit where a swarm of females come out of nowhere and beat his ass. That’s how that video should have ended.
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
Damn, that sounds very traumatic. Thank god it only happened once and not over and over again for her entire life. That’d be terrible.
Does the Jodie Foster thing really need a follow-up?
Exactly! I don’t give a hot dayyum how regular a customer that person was. I’m pretty sure they’re not gonna spend as much money as a party of 18 hungry kids. Even if there was no actual customer complaint, those employees cost that restaurant a good bunch of money with that stunt. So yeah, taking their business…
White never beats green.
This is just a little speech impediment.
I love this title and article. Please do many more of these.
I would like to hear ALW’s reply on an upcoming Comedy Bang Bang.
I look forward to this tradition of “brilliant” men treating their collaborators like shit finally dying its overdue death. I don’t care if it supposedly brings out better performances, or if entertainment is meant to be a “tough industry. These are people helping you create something. Treat them with dignity or fuck…
“Andrew Lloyd Webber Gets Patti ‘LuPwn’d’”
“Cher tells unjustly fired school guard: I got you, babe” would also score the points.
It was very professional, she said please when she should have just said fuck off.