

That right there is the best boy ever.

I wondered if he was going to get it right this time, and he sort of did? It looked like Alex Moffat was kind of letting DeNiro lead with the line, maybe that helps.

Point taken. However, he is a fingerpicking god and you can at least put some respect on his name by spelling it right.

Karen Allen IS great in Starman. Random: I was watching an episode of Chopped and this dude was on it and at one point he’s all “yeah my mom is Karen Allen” and I almost fell over.

The Father Christmas series is one I have half-watched a few times.  Finding Father Christmas, Engaging Father Christmas, Marrying Father Christmas, Expecting Father Christmas, Prolapsing Father Christmas...

YES!  Please Mike tell us how to make those glorious beige eggs.  

Yeah my name is Jenny, so there are none. I literally hate all of them.

Says cow science: he just a very big boi

I just snerked coffee all over my desk. Thanks for that. I love anything with Paul Williams as a punchline, using the picture of him with Kermit is just *kisses fingertips*.

How dare you, sir.

**frantically searches for void to scream into**

They are astonishing. I recommend White Crosses for an intro - a lot of their early fans found it too commercial & polished, but it is insanely catchy. All of their albums are wonderful, though. I never tire of them and LJG is an American treasure.

I mind that less than the cue card eye-lock.

Aw! That’s part of the charm of SCD! Looking at him all nervous and nonplussed tickles me every time. I mean, this is the same actor who once said “Did you hear me Earl?  I said I’m gonna shoot your d*ck off”.

Bless you for saying that, and good luck with your surgery! 

Recently began using an oat milk/water combo to cook my steel cut oats and it is just the best thing. It really makes the end product creamy and luscious, and it obvs ramps up the oaty flavor.

The Poisoner’s Handbook is EXCELLENT. I fell hard and fast for that book. Tell me that book would not make a fabulous episode of Drunk History. Maybe with Jack Black and Kyle Gass as Norris & Gettler? Messing about in the lab? Jockeying for power with Tammany Hall? Cracking skulls on the Ginger Jake trade? All gold.

I actually gasped.

She is utterly magnetic. I hope she does blow up because my blood pressure drops significantly every time I look at her lovely, charismatic face.