

Anyone else find it ridiculously sexy after the technical when James was all ‘that was fun, I’d like to try it again!’ God, that is sexy. Wanting to do a good job is sexy. Conquer that Celebration Cake, James! 

I buy those plastic Siroflex shower heads as housewarming gifts for people. They are dirt cheap and people are always so impressed at the flow. I’ve been using mine for 6+ years and love it.

I bet it would be fabulous with pickled onion relish.  Mmmmmmm.  Kevin, you diabolical man. 

Something that always shocks me about the OG TMC when I remember it. It’s not a short movie, I think it clocks in at over 2 hours. It’s so propulsive and tightly plotted that it seems like a much shorter movie.

LOL about Annette’s chest. My friend makes his own low budget horror films and he made one that was Beach-Party inspired with a female character with enormous fake torpedo breasts that get eaten by a shark.

Hollyhock Manheim-Mannheim-Guerrero-Robinson-Zilberschlag-Hsung-Fonzerelli-McQuack shaking her head at this. 

“When I was a child, I only kind of disliked her...”

Me, too on the over-investment. I cried when they sent Cathryn home. I am not a cryer. I did not cry when my beloved dog died. But I was fully crying when she gave her little “I was just eliminated” speech.

Making It is so good and cheerful and wonderful. It is a perfect GBBO stand-in.  

I would like to add Colonel Mustard to that list. When I worked as a VT, we had a patient with that name, a cute female calico. Her owners just referred to her as “The Colonel” which was hilarious when they called to, say, report she was not using her litterbox correctly (“The Colonel is pooping in the laundry basket

MAN, where is The Wild Bunch?  How’d you all like to kiss my sister’s black cat’s....

No flipper babies?  No flipper babies.

What a simple and utterly lovely one-sentence tribute to him. Thank you for your comment, it is so true.

Oh my days that cannot be a real dog - nothing is that cute. My parents had a newfoundland that died when I was 2. I don’t remember it, but I think I must have spent a lot of time buried in that dog’s chest and face, because the smell of dog drool makes me feel so happy and safe, even 40 years later. I cannot explain

Thank you for the KITH reference. I miss that show so much. Just the other day I ate some really salty sausage & peppers and actually muttered to myself later that night “I shouldn’t be out in the backyard in the middle of the night digging for gatorade springs”


Ignore them, yes! The lede is the tip of the iceberg. This book is way more than it seems.
