
The Favorite Sister is simply shattering. The short plot description doesn’t even skim the tip of the iceberg.  For every on-page emotional bombshell dropped, there are 5-6 quietly devastating land mines waiting to go off.

Point taken. During her life, I saw a blog run a picture of Amy’s hand sticking out of the letter-opening in her door and they captioned it “whose crackie claw is this? I never forgot that.

I find Cathryn to be such an interesting person to watch. She seems so frazzled and truly at sea oftentimes. I have to remind myself she has two small kids.  I wonder how many toys have been left on the roof of her car...

I loved how Kristin Chenoweth matched her eyeline to the cat’s (obviously prompted by the trainer to look upwards). It’s the little things.

I just now got a stye from reading your comment

Now playing

Here is another great one to watch. The [admittedly astonishing] tap dancing is even more impressive given the few number of takes. It’s also wonderful to watch Fred Astaire having so much fun trying to keep up with Eleanor Powell.

OH MY HECKIN DOG ARE YOU SERIOUS? I will sell a kidney to help fund this movie.

I just finished his article about the armored car bandit and I was on tenterhooks the whole time. So glad to know about this wonderful writer. Thanks to all who recommended him.

Just here to say this: Insecure is tied to the season it airs more than any show I watch. It is so expressly a late summertime show for me. My thighs may be chapped to the moon and back, but I know I’ll have Issa and Molly and Kelli to soothe my soul and that is all I need.

I was gonna say, pretty sure this dude has peed himself over the years for a smorgasbord of reasons.

My brain legit went ‘ding ding ding’ reading your comment!

Absosmurfly on 2001. That has been on the “about to die” playlist for going on 15 years now. Then, maybe a Buster Keaton short to remind me that I laughed while on this earth. Then, send me out with “When It’s Cold, I’d Like To Die”. I know it is super on the nose, but it is so pretty and I always see Tony Soprano


We fed our Newfoundland burgers from Burgermaster (shout out to my Seattle people) when he had bone cancer. He was on a ton of painkillers and he’d lie on the lawn (it was near Easter and the weather was lovely), gorked out on doggie oxy, eating his $5 Burgermaster burger. Best friends should always get the best

oh my god bless you to the moon and back for that

I once saw a crow nailing another crow on the street one day. A busy street. Oh and they were in a pothole. Oh and the pothole was filled with disgusting, muddy rain water. Crows just get ‘er done.

Me, too - I mean ‘twinsies’ *alarm*.

I can. They’re a mix of chemical and physical SPF and they have a much lighter feel on the face. There is a small amount of alcohol in the formulas of those two, which is why they dry so nice and matte on your face. They really are great, I used them for years and was thrilled until an oral medication change made my

I used to love both of those (the yellow one especially), but can’t use them any longer due to the alcohol (an oral Rx change). It began giving me sunburn peel without the sunburn. I did find one I do like that is made by Missha and alcohol-free, but oh my days the oil slick it leaves on my face....

I have a question! I wear a lot of sunscreen and blot it heavily with a kimwipe a few minutes after it dries to get rid of the oil slick on my face. Someone mentioned the chemical SPF is in the oil phase and that I might be reducing the effectiveness by blotting up all the oil. Is this true? How long after I apply do