
Damn breeders. Older pics of these brachycephalics breeds can be very illuminating. I saw a movie from the early 1930s that had a French Bulldog in it and it looked NOTHING like the Frenchies you see today. This French Bulldog had an actual protruding snout and looked like it could breathe somewhat easily, but still

This article has convinced me I need a meat thermometer because all my fingertips feel the same level of hardness.  Also my cheeks & chin feel like ziplock baggies filled halfway with sand and my forehead is like a plate of glass. Maybe I need a doctor instead?

Where is Todd’s Disneyland from BoJack Horseman?  Surely the killer bees and flaming pile of mattresses merit a mention?

Can I relate a story? My (at the time) 7 year old nephew and 3 year old niece were playing hide & seek while I babysat them. Nephew liked to hide behind the curtains at the sliding doors, where niece would find him, because FEET. My brother is a rich asshole, so he had super fancy curtains that were two levels of

James is the cutest thing ever. His overbite makes me swoon every time he smiles. They showed him walking on a beach with St. Bernards! I bet he smells like wet dog and wool. Oh, my heart. Also he plays upright bass, Kate!

I wonder if she knew anyone *would* help. After 68 years of feeling invisible, it may have been hard to believe anyone other than your own child would even care. When the world repeatedly tells you it does not see you or care about you, you carry it forever. I viscerally know this and am heartbroken over this story.

True. Also sounds like the Krakoras have a ‘stand your ground’ defense locked and loaded. Great.

“Noah’s gonna Noah”.  Bless you to the moon and back for that. 

*claps heartily*

Now playing

Kameron is the Donna McKechnie of Drag Race. I swear they can both voluntarily dislocate and re-locate neck and shoulder bones at will. For those not familiar with Donna McKechnie (fix your life), here she is (in red) with her incredible neck and shoulder musculature:

That picture, though. You can see both a child and a monster there.

Oh, your comment delighted me. Bless you for that.


It’s not that, but thanks for the quotes around pittypat.

I’ve been training dogs for almost 40 years: my first job was training Labradors for field trials, at the tender age of 10. It’s basic dog psychology: a dog that presents a fetch item at your feet (in this case: twice) is asking you for something. It’s a

Very sage advice on the whole. However, a dog that brings you a ball and drops it in front of you, not once but twice, is not going to bite you if you give him head pittypats. It’s dog science. The most he would do is jerk his head away from your reach to indicate to you that he’d rather have another round of fetch

The tax was to provide designated parking spots for campers specifically. There are not poor, displaced-by-Amazon, people living in these campers. They are well-armed, well-protected drug dealers & pimps. They have ccv cameras and guns. I work right in the middle of where they love to park (Georgetown/SoDo) and they

It’s an endless sea of ick. It doesn’t even have any artistic merit. Just the worst.

Marry me

To me, Kids See Ghosts is more in line with TLOP: emotional and a little messy (but so much shorter). I love it. I think Cudi + Kanye bring out such musical good in each other. Daytona is perfection.

Reading this in 2018 (the Sopranos is an evergreen re-watch for me) and loving your characterization Mario Batali as just ‘the big, fat dude’. Because we all now know, he is the WOOOOOOORST.