
Anyone here seen both “Don’t Look Now” and Season 1 of Bron/Broen, (specifically the character played by Magnus Krepper)? If so, I have a great joke for you, courtesy of a Guardian TV recapper.

Bitter Moon. A boyfriend made me watch it when we were still sort of new and I cannot express how nope nope NOOOOOOPE I feel towards that film. I sometimes ask myself if I could get something, anything, worthwhile out of a thoughtful re-watch and my answer is always to hit myself with a 2x4 instead.

You do not mess with people in the food service industry. They will close ranks in a second on you. This is some Red from S1 OITNB shiz and I love it. Those jackals at the base can eat MREs and canned Clam Chowder from now until eternity.

I personally find “Me So Horny” to be a banger (don’t judge me), and I know it’s still a wall-to-wall filth fest, but that lyric about how the girl’s father will be upset by how badly he messed up her V is pretty disturbing.

Yes God. I was in a full-body cringe.

Good lord, so many RPDR fans make Star Wars fans look polite and restrained. Thank you for the PSA, this behavior truly sickens me.

Agreed. Not everyone beats themselves up. Some people self-criticize, improve and move on. Aquaria strikes me as one of those people. I *really* hated this episode, save for the mini challenge.

Wow. Granted, I was pretty lifted when I watched this, but I hated 100% of what came after the mini-challenge. The visits in the workroom seemed almost borderline abusive. It seemed like Ru wanted to really get these girls to dig deep into what they [may] hate about themselves. Aquaria seemed downright shocked when Ru

Aaron Sanchez is like Valium for my soul. Every time I see his face, hear his voice, my blood pressure drops. He is the best.

San Ku Kai!

That YouTuber is doing the lord’s work right there. Bless. My favorite part of the OG IC is the judges. There are always 2-3 who give good feedback and then one old lady who simply says “it is very salty” or some such terse remark and I live every damn time. Plus: YOUNG MORIMOTO MY GOD

It is the 4th A Star is Born. The first was Janet Gaynor and Frederic March.

Oh god that book was so sad. Jesus.

Oh FFS. Does this glazed donut on legs think he’s Raylan Givens or something?

It is. They actually sell drugs in front of the cops, who are not supposed to do anything, because the city council does not want homeless bodies in jail. We clock about 4-5 deals every hour out the windows where I work (Georgetown/Sodo). These are not displaced people, these are hardened, armed criminals cutting and

I hope S2 includes Irina being re-kidnapped by Villanelle. I hope they have sassy Hound & Arya style adventures together.

Monet is really trying to Purse First that sponge thing and I am 100% here for it.

Wonder what Dave’s truck is called in the Santa Clarita Diet universe. Now You Serum, Now You Don’t? Sorry, I’ll show myself out.

Tusk is SO good. If you don’t hum along at the end of What Makes You Think You’re The One, you are probably a robot.

Let me take this moment to thank my Kubrick above that Martin Shkreli will be unable to bid on this.