
Ack, in the second sentence I meant who *aren't* intending to act creepy (but who need a few pointers as to online dating/general online behavior etiquette).

That is a very good point! I more meant for the genuinely socially clueless who are intending to act creepy but keep putting people off, but yeah, I'd prefer that the creepers not up their "game" and end up fooling those of us who want to make genuine connections.

Hi! I'm just going to cut and paste what I wrote in response to another similar question - hope that is okay:

You can do it!!! If I can, anyone can!

Best of luck in your program!!! :)

Great!!! I would highly recommend the path I took, or at least trying it. While I definitely worked very hard on my fitness, from a dieting perspective this was actually the easiest time I've had with losing weight. No starvation, no real feelings of deprivation, just different choices that converged in a place of

Absolutely - please do keep telling yourself that. I was in close to your position myself when my now-ex-husband and I split up around 6 years ago - at that point I'd only had sex (intercourse) with three people. Maybe a few more if you count oral sex and other things that involved some disrobing (as a teenager), but

Well, like most other very overweight people I had previously tried to lose weight numerous times! Here's what I did differently this time, though:

It's definitely an exciting time. Due to taking care of myself I look and feel better than I have in at least a decade if not longer! So much possibility ahead. :)

First, sending big hugs your way, as a fellow Big Loser who is dealing with all that comes with body changes.

Congrats on kicking ass in your classes! Keep it up! :)

Commiserating here. While I met some interesting people who became short-term (and sometimes regular and ongoing) lovers when I was online dating and DTF myself, there were certainly a lot of people to sort through who gave me the creeps.

Welcome! So very very cute!!!

Thank you! :) I spent a lot of years waiting for someone to save me - but finally realized I had to save myself.

Thanks!!! :) Well, it hasn't been perfect - work hasn't been great (I do have an awesome job I love, but some circumstances aren't fabulous right now) and as I've posted about extensively - I did get dumped a few weeks ago (all for the best, but cruddy when it happened anyway). But as far as I'm concerned, that just

Congrats!!! Enjoy your well-deserved celebration and rock that dress!

Thanks!!! :) Good wishes are the best gift anyway!

Congratulations - so adorable!!!

I hope so. :) If nothing else, I've learned to love myself (really for the first time in my life), and that opens up such a world of possibilities.

Congrats to you too!!! That is a huge accomplishment. Here's to good health! There's really nothing like it.