
I agree. I'd love to see it (in a sort of guilty pleasure sort of way) but would rather not be in the midst of all the serious hard-core fans...oh well, will probably wait for streaming video.

Thanks!!! Yeah, I do feel pretty damn good these days. I'm definitely still a work in progress, but I have my life back, and live with so much more joy and energy now.

Good evening, Jezzies! I hope everyone is having a great weekend.

My family was wondering why a large portion of Katy Perry's performance looked a lot like that Yo Gabba Gabba show my kids liked when they were toddlers.

Yeah, that is a really good observation. In retrospect, he is a total PUA!!! I know I certainly got played.

That is great advice too, thanks! In the past I always used to settle for crumbs because I thought that's all I deserved. Now I know I deserve more, from myself and other people. So, lesson learned.

Well, basically he is a "super awesome sex machine," sadly - however, I think that a big part of my physical response to him was that he *seemed* so caring and crazy about me and I thought we had a lot of emotional intimacy as well. So even if he has mad skillz, I really don't know that my body would react to him in

I think that building a support system, and having some activities of your own, is certainly healthy for anyone...I suppose your comment just struck a nerve with me because my ex-husband often criticized me for the same thing (even though I never complained about it; I was really too exhausted between work and young

Ohhhh, that's a great analogy. I will remember that - leave the trash where it belongs!!!

Yeah, I think that someone who has been a good partner for a long time can get a one-time pass on needing a short, limited-time break, but a recurring thing along those lines is a fast-track to reducing trust and intimacy to zero. I would just wish him well and send him on a one-way trip out the door.

That sounds perfect! I am definitely in, in that context. Thanks for coordinating!

Sending big hugs to you. I have been there - a few years ago I had a relationship that pushed a lot of sexual boundaries for me, and explicit consent was definitely on the blurry side at least a few times. That relationship left me feeling quite anxious and not wanting to be touched for a while, even though he didn't

I think the question is - do you *want* to have female friends? If you are also unhappy about not having them and are complaining about it and not doing anything about it I can see why your husband is bothered, but otherwise, did he give a specific reason for being bothered?

Yikes, that is tough. While it's fine for him to tell you he needs a break but wants to leave the door open, it's also perfectly okay (and probably healthier) to respond that the door won't be open from your side. Totally not fair for him to keep you on the hook while he goes and does his own thing indefinitely.

You definitely aren't terrible. You don't owe your boyfriend a relationship - just honesty and kindness, particularly if he hasn't done anything shitty and your feelings have just changed. It's perfectly okay to tell him that you're sorry but your feelings have changed and you don't see a future with him. And it's

If you're even the slightest bit plus-size, I highly recommend Hips and Curves. Their stuff starts around size 12 (and goes much higher), is on the slinky/sophisticated (but very sexy) side, and is well-made without being ridiculously expensive.

I'm not sure I'm up for the competitive aspect (I'm working with a personal trainer on an overall health plan that has included losing over 100 pounds so far, but he's strongly advised me not to focus on scale numbers as a primary goal). However, as there seem to be a number of us here struggling with and wanting to

I definitely appreciate the real talk! :) I needed to hear that. Yes, I am far better than his crumbs. He's had his chance and that ship has sailed, and I deserve much more than he gave me.

That is really good advice. I need to make sure I am thinking with the right parts, heh!

Agreed!!! My kiddo was entertaining herself this afternoon so I got to doze off for a couple hours. Heavenly and much needed.