
The game is boring as fuck for me.  I'm sure its great for many people but it's also dry as hell.

Personally, I found Untitled Goose Game to be the most over rated game of the year. The novelty of the game, its scenario, and its mechanics wore off really quickly for me. I did finish it, but I felt like I was to forcing myself to do so well before the end. And it is a short game.

No. She said, clearly, “drugged.”

I can’t stop thinking about how Cardi B still hasn’t faced any consequences for drugging men, robbing them, and possibly sexually assaulting them.

Seriously don’t understand why this article exists. Its unbelievably shallow for anyone on Gizmodo media to continue to draw positive attention to rapists like Cardi B. The fact that Cardi B can get away with MORE than fucking Bill Cosby says a lot about this website.

Poison Ivy ..Cardi B .

Isn't Cardi B the one who admitted to drugging and assaulting people? Are we stabbing abusers in 2019?

If you think the game industry is any different than other fields in that regard then it might be time to wake up. I wonder what you ended up doing because that really feel like you never worked for someone in your life yet.

Wow you sound so tough!  You should be the one to beat him up, tough guy!

Judging entire groups of people by the actions of the few is not the woke outlook on life you think it is. 

Stop playing games? How noble of you! Continue on with your oh-so-honorable cause!

Even as a franchise-long NBA 2K fan.... This:

Bisexual here who lived with a gay couple who were HIGHLY active in the local gay community...and I’m really wondering who inside the community is ACTUALLY getting offended by this. I regularly woke up getting greeted with “Hello and good morning F*****!” in the morning. Every member of the LGBT community they had

That’s still my point though. “OGAY” doesn’t read as hate speech to me. It reads as a funny joke name, which happens to reference an attribute I identify as. It’s on the same level as putting “King Burger” in a game because obviously reversing the words is a trademark. Being gay is totally normal and fine, so the word

Speaking as a fellow cocksucker, I would really like it if people would stop getting offended on my behalf. (Not making the claim that there aren't any LBGTQ+ people who were offended, just saying from what i've seen, it's mostly hetero cis folk who want to feel good about how progressive they are.)

? Death threats are far older than the internet?

There’s kind of an off tone here. The premise seems to be that maybe people only liked Borderlands because they were immature and young and now they are old and seasoned and won’t? I guess that works if you assume that the player was X age (maybe your age?) when they first started playing but now they have “been to a

I don’t care for Chris Hardwick’s shtick but the hell do you want? We as a society can’t just forever mark someone because of an accusation especially when it goes nowhere. Who among us hasn’t said something shiddy about an ex with a decent bit of embellished details and sour grapes or vice versa. I have no idea what

It is also impossible to write about Borderlands 3 and not also consider things like the sensational allegations made against Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford on the part of a former Gearbox lawyer, who claims that Pitchford has received a substantial advance against Borderlands 3 profits that would otherwise go towards

Rich people ruin everything.