
WinAMP and I’m sure many other audio players have the ability to play music directly from ROM images of most cartridge based systems. Just throwing that out there.

Turns out guns are really loud when you’re not pretending to be Billy Badass at the firing range with hearing protection on.

Rough to have a community when everyone who dissents is silenced and ignored. You can only have the same self-congratulatory conversations with people who agree with everything so many times.

Ah, what an amazing accomplishment to be born rich and privileged.

Maybe if they didn’t make the progression treadmill rewards nothing but pointless cosmetic upgrades while saving all the meat and potatoes additions for macro-transactions people wouldn’t be so unsatisfied with their shitty game.

That’s just Ka Mai, he’s a jobless failure who thinks he’s smarter and better than everyone else and spends something like 18 hours a day telling people on Kinja so.

I’ve been part of a pay-it-forward two times and both times when they told me at the window, I just said ‘Oh, great, thanks.’ and took my order and left. I wasn’t aware it was supposed to be anything but a random act of kindness, and I certainly don’t go to Starbucks with the intention of paying for other people’s

“But a spectacular disaster began unfolding on Monday because, as has been widely reported, the state Department of Transportation failed to take basic steps like pretreating roads with salt,

I imagine how good a deal this is depends a lot on where you live and if you like sour cream, because a Soft Taco Supreme at my local TB runs 2.49 by itself, before tax. So only getting 4 of those would pay for the deal all by itself. Of course the idea is to get you to buy other stuff too, probably a drink, but if

I have a robust 5Ghz wifi network that works just fine for streaming games; I regularly used it to play Half-Life: Alyx on my Quest headset using Virtual Desktop streaming from my PC without any issues other than the inescapable input lag.

If it’s a choice between streaming my nice computer or console games onto a tablet and playing them with choppy framerate and laggy controls, or just waiting until I can use the TV, I’m going to pick ‘wait’ every single time.

Book resellers don’t sell to local joints, they sell on online marketplaces, usually using stock photos associated with that books ISBN number.

That’s not going to stop anyone, there’s no ‘resale’ police.

Not to shit on anyone’s idea of a good time, but don’t donate ANY books to Little Free Libraries. Amazon/eBay resellers know where they all are and check them regularly for books they can resell for profit. Most regular paperbacks will be fine, but trade paperbacks (the bigger ones) are almost always worth a few bucks

There’s no way in hell the RPi is emulating a PS3.

If you go over to Gab, which is some kind of unholy Facebook/Twitter shitstorm started by people banned from twitter, they’re convinced that it’s actually the unvaccinated people dying in large numbers, to heart attacks or something?

As a trucker, these guys are idiots. The sentencing was mandated by law and the judge straight up said ‘it’s not going to stand the way it is’.

Delaying a delivery for safety is not a big deal. Have you ever driven a commercial truck or are you just going by what you think you know from movies or tv? When I was driving I’d stop anytime I didn’t feel safe, from shear winds to flurries. The driver is in charge of the truck, not the other way around.

Let It Die, which game out in 2016, is still the best and fairest F2P game I’ve ever played, and actually CAN be completed without spending money.

No? I drove truck for over a year and went up and down this pass in any kind of weather it was open for. There are signs everywhere telling trucks the suggested max speed for their load, and if you start slow, use the jake brake, and stab brake exactly as I described, you will easily maintain your slow speed all the