
But where are the high quality ASMR streams? Where is my daily dose of kitty tossing? Or low cut tops with a very very very tiny corner dedicated to a video game’s menu screen?

Are you talking about the general anger at Epic or these particular devs? Also it’s not just ‘a mother fucking storefront’, it’s Epic attempting to bend the open market on PC to its will so it can split it and in return make more money off of it. Epic wants users, Epic has money(cause Fortnite and Unreal), Epic

Straw man. Do better.

You’re really brushing off the level of snark in their announcement, and failing to mention how they addressed concerns about availability of their game in different countries with currencies not accepted by Epic’s storefront with a “you’re not entitled to our game” bitchy and not at all joking response (which sort of

And this is the inherent problem with China. They have zero innovation in pretty much any industry, especially tech. Part of this comes from communism stifling free thought and individual creativity, but really, as a country they pegged themselves to be the cheap labor force and manufacturers for the world’s biggest

Im pretty sure having to pay more money because Epic is the only launcher that doesnt support my currency does have a negative effect on me but go off I guess.

Was weird when i went into one and saw the sheer amount of Funko pops ( and i really really hate them and still puzzled why they are so popular) but even the second hand games seem to have been reduced a lot

I like what I watched there and kudos to her for fighting back.

Most people don’t follow influencers. Even more people don’t follow the same set of influencers.

This is this the real travesty right here, how the hell do you write about best games for the Dreamcast and not talk about PSO?


There’s nothing in it for him to apologize. He’d have to break character, and that character made him rich. It’s not like anyone who is outraged by this is going to subscribe if he says he regrets what he did.

More importantly, more reasons for you to feel smug about it and tell everyone.

Is it really that questionable to hire Hardwick? Accusations were made, investigated, and apparently didn’t come up with proof to back it up. The accuser kinda backed down as well given she didn’t want to help with the investigation. I mean what do you do at that point? Just decide he’s guilty without any real proof

I think you overestimate the number of employed adults who still play pokemon

The one thing they didn’t announce was where the fuck Hawkeye was?

It is mobile garbage. Just like Pokemon Go, just like most mobile games. It is not being arrogant, it is calling it what it is.

More mobile garbage? Hard pass.

but also one of the points of criticism surrounding the console. “The lineup for Playdate’s first ‘season’ of 12 games and the people who made them are meant to be a surprise, but the roster of exciting creators released to tease us is pretty white, and exclusively male,” wrote Kotaku’s Josh Rivera.