
Could be not related of sexual orientation. But more of scientific paleontology thing? Like Homo Sapiens, Homo Superior, Homo Erectus. 
Not everything has to be approached as offensive.

You mean like homo sapiens, homo erectus? THats messed up man, better get on twitter and let the world know you won’t stand for the latin word meaning “man” you uneducated idiot. 

No way dude. He contributed music to the worst game in the series, and then had a cameo in the 2nd worst. TM2 and Black are the only good ones. 

tell these idiots to get a job, this was made for a side gig or to help you look for a job while you collected unemployment. not to feed a family of 6

Remember when things were fun? Like...people had fun, and did fun things, and we all laughed and said, ‘hey, that was fun’? Did I dream all that up? Or was there actually a fun time, before this time, which is decidedly un-fun?

Are we so soft skinned that there needs to be a public apology for these? They are just little inside jokes between the development team. So what? Did it hurt anyone, did it cause a loss of life or irreputable harm to someone? No? Then just move on with your life, lets not have to make every single thing some public

Most studios would just dump the game, and build a new one. Even games successful at launch rarely get the level of updates like this one did.

Counter-point: Self-checkout (when properly configured and working) is the best.

This sounds like McAfee. Uninstall that hot garbage.

This has been a weird and wild journey to read about.

This is the stupidest god damned controversy ever. In a game where you’re traveling back in time in the mind of an ancestor, people are upset that that ancestor had to procreate to continue the bloodline that allows the game’s plot to happen at all? If you’re offended by this shit, you’re a dork and need to get a life.

Maybe there’s nothing wrong with today’s end-game content. I mean this has become a ubiquitous article with loot-based shootersMaybe it’s something wrong with all of us. Let’s take some time to at least consider it.

I presume you realize that the two concepts are not mutually exclusive, right? If the person who cured cancer was racist, it wouldn’t make praising the cure for cancer wrong.

Writing an emulator isn’t illegal, so you probably shouldn’t worry about it.

They’re meant to be opened by little kids.  Hard to open them when Sakura won’t get her ass off it for the 30th attempt at a decent snap.

Dear Korea,

I’m probably part of the minority here, but I’m actually on board with GDQ not acting until they have they can verify the claims being made first.  Their post seemed like they were acknowledging their awareness of the claims, but it seems much of the community wanted them to pass judgement as their first response.

Yet another “why is this even an article on Kotaku?” moment.

I don’t post notes like this in Soulsborne games, nor do I find them funny... however, getting tilted enough to make a 2 page dissertation on the matter is fucking ludicrous. Go outside. Lighten up. Do literally anything else with your life.

“Is it even legal to refuse us” Jesus Lord, are you serious? And 15 pounds is not a small dog. I have small dogs (5 pounds, 8 pounds). I tried an empty dog friendly patio once, never again.

Why does everyone want to bring their dog with them every time they leave the house? Grocery store-bring your dog. Retail store that has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with dogs or pets-bring your dog along! Maybe there will be another dog there and they can bark and fight!