
Dunno, but given how much of my time is spent on splinter and deadspin there’s no way they’re getting their money’s worth. I’ve been here since before the io9 merger and can’t even get out of the greys.

We don’t know that for certain. This is far from the first time she has been a shithead towards fans. After so much crap, ArenaNet could have been looking for any reason to fire her; that happened to be it.

I think Price definitely deserved to be fired, but Fries firing is more questionable, and it’s hard to say why he did. Maybe he refused to apologize. Maybe ArenaNet wanted to make an example out of him too or didn’t want Price to seem like she was fired because she’s a girl and he wasn’t because he’s a guy. No one

the author here is trying to provide a narrative but it isn’t really the whole story they are leaving out plenty to make it seem more outrageous.

A developer attacked several fans without justification. It wasn’t simply because an online mob demanded it. The community was pissed at her behavior and ArenaNet values its community because without them, there’s no game.

Or maybe they fired her because she constantly attacked the fanbase, praised the death of a cancer sufferer, and was unable to handle any form on criticism without shouting ‘sexism’? Just a thought, but this view shares as much credence as the one provided above, ie: half-truths and speculation. ;)

Got me. Also got me on why Price was let go; I’m just saying she’s not completely innocent and her Twitter is full of the same type of tweets. For somebody that is a public mouthpiece for a company, you have to have some awareness.

As for the mob mentality: welcome to 2018. We have people getting fired because of

Thank you, it’s crazy how many people believe in false narrative of her being fired because of sexism or other shit.

It’s a fact that she celebrated the death of TotalBiscuit. It’s also a fact that she has a history of attacking and threatening people on Twitter with no cause.

He was correcting an extremely biased account of Price’s behavior in this article.

Top one was her blowing off legitimate discussion and critique, something creative writing in a team setting absolutely demands.

Second one is the TB tweet.

Two Guild Wars 2 narrative designers, Jessica Price and Peter Fries, were fired after Jessica attacked a well-established community member for asking a questions, shouted sexism, and refused to back down. This led people to dig into her Twitter page and realize she frequently posts opinions that ArenaNet does not

The writers at Gizmodo and this whole operation have horrible opinions that they feel the need to shove down our throats and ruin otherwise half decent articles. I was just trying to recall at what point they decided they didn’t like Elon Musk, as every article they wrote for years was nothing but praise. Now they

And who did his actions hurt?  No one but your fragile ego, apparently.

Funny how The Root always highlights race when it’s POC victims and white attackers, and then casually and discreetly doesn’t mention the race of the attacker when they’re not white. you know well enough the majority of your readers assume they are white because of the general tone of your website.

Taking the original twitter spat alone, her behavior was ridiculous. She posted a multi-tweet essay, essentially, to a public space. Someone respectfully commented on that essay and she began passively insulting him.

black people are cowards. am i racist now?

he’s not making any difference, though... Your country is a wreck, politically, economically, and socially, and your people are content to watch it burn on tv

The only difference he’s making is alienating white people with his racist garbage.

“Battleye have already tweeted out that I think around 99 percent of cheats in the game right now are coming out of China,” Greene told Kotaku by phone.”