
When you apply for a visa, you take an appointment at the US embassy, you fill forms, read long contracts, give your finger prints, signature, photos, sometime even social media account passwords and go through an interview.

Tell me about it, I have to fend off hordes or clueless kids in the comments whenever I point out simple facts that go against their fanboy opinions... though lately I’m making good use of the dismiss button.

Careful, logical and reasoned discussion is a slippery slope in certain parts of the net. Coming in with facts paints a big red target on your back.

Look, I don’t want to be that guy but he wasn’t simply “refused entry” he didn’t have the proper paperwork to gain entry. Simply stating he was refused entry in the title implies there is some injustice or discrimination going on there.

So you’re saying you don’t buy weed because it’s illegal? Suuuuurrre.

Yeah... no. The old one is blurry and your imagination somehow filled in gaps with artistic reasoning. It didn’t lose any “soul”.

I see a difference. The PS4 version looks better. That’s the difference. Guy who wrote this article is a hipster contrarian.

People who prefer the PS2's “quality” visuals are the same people who think VHS offers an experience you can’t get with Blu-ray and that the distortion and low fidelity fuzzing sounds on ancient LP’s are better than than crystal clear audio where you can hear all the instruments.

The article is about racist blacks - something that doesn’t fit the narrative on Gizmoto... I’m surprised it was mentioned at all.

Gizmodo continues whining tour with more articles about Uber.

Google Domains : : I love it because it’s easy to use, ties in perfectly with the rest of your Google account, and they have free private registrations (isn’t it like upwards of $12/year at other places?). Like others, they have a ton of the GTLD’s to choose from (.ninja, .business, etc, along

Google Domains : : I love it because it’s easy to use, ties in perfectly with the rest of

Except for all the novels I’ve read and still loved this one.

That is the most ridiculous accusation of sexism I’ve ever read.

That “babies first flash game” art direction pretty much ruins the whole thing.

She was unstable, carrying sharp items and had young children with her - deescalating the situation by leaving just puts the kids at risk.

Why? They have to live with the fact that they were not properly prepared and had to kill a mother. I think anyone in that situation would be suffering.

But he doesn’t save them. Nor, iirc, does he ever do anything better than them. The most annoying part is that he lives; it would have been better if he died in battle alongside everyone else and instead Wormtail delivered his last words to the emperor.

Have you seen the movie? He didn’t save shit. They all died.

And his character was far from perfect. He was an alcoholic F***-up. Then the “natives” saved him.

I played the heck out of that game as a kid. It was lonely and isolating and every time you ran into a new type of Metroid it was scary as hell. Sure we’ve found plenty of ways to improve on the formula in 20+ years, but they squeezed a whole lot of lemonade out of that 8-bit, 4 MHz lemon.