
I can offer my unsolicited opinion. I have played most of the MH games, (MH on PS2, Freedom, Freedom 2, Freedom Unite on PSP, Tri on Wii, 3 Ultimate on 3DS and X on 3DS).

What are these people smoking that are saying that AM2R looks better than this new one? I appreciate the retro-aesthetic as much as the next guy, but I think Samus Returns looks fantastic. (Oh, and a bit of advice to whomever wants to spend 6 years recreating a Nintendo game without their permission - don’t do it -

Seems pretty reasonable. Acknowledgement that abstinence-only company policies will be taken no more seriously than abstinence-only education, puts in stuff that shouldn’t have to be specified but is because people love lawyers and pretending there’s a problem, and an awkward joke about what the no

Shhhh...Liberals don’t want to hear the truth. They just want to hear who to blame.

You can’t blame this on Trump. Your comment is no different than the Republicans blaming Obama for everything. They would have done this no matter who was President.

I wouldn’t wanna work at Blizzard, most of all on Overwatch. Probably can’t take a piss without someone getting offended about it.

As a fellow Mexican, I agree with you.

Shhh, you have to let the white males tell you what you should be offended by. Those are the rules now.

It’s self-hating white liberals that are trying to police feelings and thoughts that the minorities that they are tryign to help/protect don’t give a shit about.

This. All Day. ChickenMcBooty gets it.

The quotes served to indicate that I am not going to put an asterisk on the fact that he killed himself and we should somehow be okay with this. It doesn’t matter what he did to get where he was, ANY time someone decides their only option is suicide is a tragedy. Full stop.

counterpoint: FUCK AARON HERNANDEZ, he’s a murderer.

The fact that he was a sociopathic murderer actually does makes his suicide much less sad than, say, the suicide of a normal person that never felt the need to kill someone over a spilt cocktail.

I would argue that him being a bad guy does indeed make this less sad.

It does spades. Everyone should strive for excellence, that’s not a “white” value it’s a human value. Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to automatically discriminate against you before they even see you is important. It will certainly get you


I saw a really busty woman, and one of these ladies is showing a lot of leg.