
They buy a good product when they see it. They eat Apple up. iPhones are everywhere. Xbone just can’t compete with PS4 in Japan because there isn’t that much software that entices them.

In a sea of whiny gamers who seem to complain about everything, I think this complaint is actually completely valid. This is very similar to what Bungie is doing with the Taken King expansion. It makes absolutely zero sense to screw over loyal players by making them spend more money for content they already own. I

Says the person with the MLP avatar.

Did you read the same thing I did? The only ones that were completely wrong were in regards to release dates (UC 3 being the big one) and in regards to the number of F2P games coming. I was impressed hat almost every single one was right actually....


I laughed when you called video game Youtubers “creatives”.

Are you 4’5’’? I get wanting a small one but the larger one isn’t “human sized?” The Iphone 6 plus must have sent you screaming in terror.

Good grief. Can you imagine the shitstorm if there was a "Make Bayonetta a man" jam, or "Fix Tomb Raider by making Lara into Larry" event?

A negative comment from Archaotic.

I got one, but only because I've been saying for a while now that if a Monster Hunter themed console ever appeared Stateside it would be mine.

Just relax.

No, but being a pissant fuckface waste of shit that tries to turn every joke into a political turd festival is a very bad thing. So fuck off you useless crusader wannabe.

You must be fun at parties..

It's called the Charge Blade. The Elite Blade is the name of the Charge Blade you start off with at the start of the game.

I just recently finished the game on XB1, and for me the frame rate consistently dropped below 30 FPS in crowded areas, and texture pop-in was practically guaranteed any time there were more than 30 or 40 people on screen. To the point that I had to get right within touching distance of some characters before their

The game is stunningly beautiful

Ah, yes, the "graphics look better on the smaller screen" hallucination.

Luckly Japan doesn't care about our views on sexualiztion of anything.

Not being on the cover of Vogue has direct equivalence to looking like a demonic hellbeast, yes. Well done, good job. Bravo to you, hero of the internet.