
If you know your Nintendo history...they actually got sued by the FTC for purposely holding back on cartridges for the NES and they had to give out a five dollar coupon to over 7 million people for deception on cartridges not being available to make it seem like they were scarce.

Nope, just replace rape with a senseless, brutal death, and the joke's ok for everyone!

I'd say World War Z might deserve a place on the list:

My friend, it is clear you have not seen this movie and are basing all your assumptions on the hyperbole of disappointed fans. So let's see if I can help you out a bit.

I wouldn't mine if all this led to a RDR: Undead Nightmare-like expansion except instead of zombies it focused on a War of the Worlds style alien invasion (GTAV: Extraterrestrial Nightmare?)

- Toss me a beer, Bro. -

As it currently stands, a monopoly with Steam doesn't exist and it has nothing to do with Origin, Uplay, etc.. It has to do with Steam keys being sold by other vendors . Sildas specifically mentioned Good Ol Games, Green Man Gaming, Amazon, etc., which do either DRM free downloads (thereby preventing monopolization)

I'm sure your parents feel the same about you.

I dunno, The Stand didn't have an unlikely happy ending. It seemed pretty clear that what was going to happen was that somehow the nuclear bomb would be detonated. Seeing as Flagg was basically using magic to protect himself, it follows that he would have stopped any sort of breakout attempt to blow the nuclear


But do ticketholders get an extra hour in the ball pit?

Also brilliant... you guys are so easily offended. Jesus Christ.... ooops, that probably offended you too.

Yeah, of course. There's real controversies, like how some people want to enact Jim Crow laws for gay people. Then there's what I like to call "Patricia Hernandez controversies", like how you aren't allowed to be a polyamorous transgendered asexual in the new Lego Batman game.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces.

As long as we're subsidizing the oil industry, I see no problem in subsidizing their competition.

<sits down, cracks knuckles>

I don't think it's fair to cite stats like that in the absence of evidence in this instance of what did or didn't happen. I assume Temkin is innocent until proven guilty, as I hope everyone else does.

This is complete bullshit. If he didn't rape someone, he should absolutely defend himself. People are raped and it's horrible, but people are also falsely accused and that's also an injustice. These things come down to pure "he said, she said" and that's what makes them so difficult, but an innocent person

I kept expecting the people under the far umbrella to grab the air mattress and attempt a rescue mission. No such luck.