
I'm sorry, but are you kidding me? As an actual doctor, there have been innumerable times when we have gone through exhaustive meetings on a serial basis with family members of patients who have slim to no chance of getting better or surviving in any meaningful way. Most family members are extremely reluctant to

I don't think ZeniMax are claiming that they own VR, just that their claiming that their work on the Oculus Rift specifically, was what helped it get to it's current standard. And I find that believable.

That's cool, because it was created in 2003.

Name: Phantasy Star IV (1995, Megadrive)

Why it's worth playing: Earthbound came out during what I consider gaming's glory years, but certainly put a spin on things. While most rpgs involved a fantasy setting with knights, wizards, dragons and the like, Earthbound took place in your every day setting (Eagleton, supposedly Japan's idea of America) as a young


Riviera: The Promised Land


yet another chance for me to talk about Grandia 2 :)

Why it's worth playing: Explores most traditional RPG elements, but doesn't overwhelm the audience. Simple turn-based combat system that is easy to use, but hard to master. Each class fits into a greater archetype that other games make use of (knights, mages, bards, etc.). Compelling and sometimes heart-wrenching

Why it's worth playing: It's certainly not the hardest tactical RPG. Front Mission, Final Fantasy Tactics,

Why it's worth playing: It's the best Final Fantasy game, and a good entry point for any genre newcomer. It's also aged surprisingly well, and although it can be tough for beginners to figure out where to go or what to do next, any JRPG newbie will enjoy exploring FFVI's world and meeting its lovely cast of

Why it's worth playing: It's a classic that holds up all these years later, it's not sloggy or ridiculously difficult, it has a really cool and approachable battle system, and it has one of the best stories in JRPG history. The DS cart for this game has pushed aside many a newer game to hold a place in my 3DS carrying

Uh, really. High-profile has nothing to do with popularity among gamers or quality. I didn't say "best", I didn't say "most beloved", and I didn't say "Let's be jerks in the comment section."

"I looked up at it and thought 'what the hell?', it was amazing."