
There is a mandatory check, and everything probably looked fine. Air brakes fail if you use them constantly under heavy load due to heating up, that’s just how they work. The problem is he probably wasn’t using his engine braking coupled with keeping the vehicle at a slow speed to begin with, which lets you use the

Ramps aren’t crashes, they’re ~6ft deep loose gravel pits more or less. You need a tow to get out but generally the truck and trailer are fine. Hardly a ‘nuclear option’. A nuclear option would have been driving into the median or just off the road and hoping for the best.

I don’t agree with the sentencing for this guy, but this article glosses right over what really happened that day. There’s multiple videos of the incident.

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch of climate change deniers.

Chinese devs being Chinese devs.

What’s even the point of a digital pre-order, other than SOMETIMES having the ability to pre-load the game?

Instead of spending money on the Internet and stuff to post on it, you should donate everything to your schools.

Easy enough to make your own, in system appropriate colors too if you like.

I know it. Basically a crime that more people care about another flaccid fantasy than the forbidden fruit being dangled in CK S4.

Hope they don’t mishandle it as bad as they have The Wheel of Time. Anyone can be Cmdr Shepard! It could be a Krogan, or even a Rakni.

The Chili Cheese burrito is the best TB item that ever dropped off the main menu. Some stores still carry it but it’s not one of the items that franchises HAVE to have, so most choose not to.

Implying pokemon was ever a hard game.

Imagine writing this article and not only failing to mention Cobra Kai S4, but mistakenly saying TW S2 is a bigger deal.

Sounds like you should be sticking to WW2 documentaries and the non-fiction section of the library.

I find it slightly ironic that everyone on both sides has just decided ‘hate and insult everyone who disagrees with me’ is the best way to go on with things.

I too love to pick nits. Destiny 2 would run just fine on the Deck, but it employs anti-cheat software that prevents it from doing so. Can the Deck handle it?

That’s kind of this author’s deal. That and shilling non-stop for Genshin Impact, for some reason.

Except we’re talking about Pizza Hut pizza, so I don’t think normal rules apply.

“Maybe, Sony will finally pick someone that doesn’t suck!? One can hope. I mean, how hard can it be? Really. Seriously.”

There’s plenty of reasons to mistrust Tallerico, but I don’t think people who ‘follow white supremacists’ should just automatically be assumed to also be white supremacists.