
> Clifford, whose handle is @AntiVaxMomma on the social media service, is expected to be charged with two felonies over the scheme, according to the New York Times.

Yeah get all that fucking taste off my fries please

South Park hasn’t been about fart jokes since like, 2002.

They’re also a big fan of taking screenshots of grey comments and posting them as pictures to reply to them, because 1.) that keeps that person grey and 2.) they don’t get a notification, so they can’t come back to refute or defend themselves. Laserface is just a shitty person hiding behind a super-woke exterior.

It’s right in the article that he’s now a vocal supporter of progressive politics...

Hey man, you do you. Live that coward life. I preach empathy, you unironically say ‘but they’re hurting the wrong people’. I just think it’s a sad, hilarious, conceited gesture from someone who’s not actually interested in having a conversation, only being right. Sounds a lot like Trump, actually. You and the orange

They probably could have told you that themselves if you replied to them like a normal person, instead of cowardly snipping their comment and replying in a manner in which they couldn’t defend or explain their post.

It’s unpopular to think so, but maybe creatives just can’t handle what it means to be ‘managed’. It’s ALWAYS creatives bitching about their managers and saying they don’t feel respected and that their workplace is toxic. It’s the managers job to make sure people actually get something done. Creatives don’t like to be

But, ART!

You’d probably like Monster Hunter Stories, Zack. It’s basically a mashup of Pokemon and MH, has turn based battles, etc. It’s nothing like main line MH games.

Who are you educating exactly? The people who agree with you already? Because the people who disagree with you are only going to see this as an attack and escalate shit, the same way you do. It’s like I said, everyone is in full-on attack mode all the time. It’s only going to make things more divisive, because you’re

Clearly the dude was bullied in school, during a formative period of his life, by people who had more than he did. More power, more money, more attractiveness, whatever. Now he’s in a position where he wields some power, however minor, and instead of trying to get this dickbag to listen, everyone on the ‘other’ side is

You can’t hate things out of existence. It doesn’t work. If it did Nazis wouldn’t be making a comeback and Donald Trump would have dis-incorporated into his disparate atoms long ago. Education and reform are the only ways to change someone’s mind. Maybe this douchebag can’t be fixed, but now other douchbags who

The guy is clearly a proto-incel, but is everyone dogpiling him and demonizing him really the best way to end his problematic viewpoints? It’s only going to make him harden his opinions when the very ‘cancel culture’ he’s proselytizing against comes for him and, in his view, does exactly what he says they were going

Sounds like a good time for someone to recreate what made Humble great in the first place.

So, are you really advocating for the multimillion dollar international corporation to completely shit on this guy’s life, or...?

If it’s so hard to find indies on PS Store, why is my random searching constantly inundated with $3 shovelware that I can’t believe anyone put time into making, let alone trying to sell on a console store?

The battle system, like the rest of the game, takes some real time to get fleshed out. Once you have some options, you no longer use the auto-battle button, ever.

Super original hot take right here.

Doj? Try Sazh. It’s pretty obvious from your super original hot-take that you didn’t actually play the game, though.