
X-2 has the best gameplay in the series. The game itself is forgetably passable, but the actual battles, dress spheres, and the way they interact when you swap in battles? Literally the best version of ATB that’s ever been put together as well.

Don’t worry, you’ll be able to pay an additional $15 to remove ads for a whole month!

It’s pretty obvious that the smartphone game is just yet another gacha cash-in. Hopefully no one got excited when they saw it?

Because for the people with addiction problems, they’ll just buy the current pack so they can then ‘preview’ the next pack. This only pretends to address the issue, but does nothing to actually curb the self-destructive behavior of addict gambling.

I have OG1 and 2 as well, but I’m pretty sure they mean none of the games with licensed content, eg the stuff from Gundam, Eva, Macross, etc.

The type of person who buys this thing is the same type of person who orders fancy books in bulk to make their shelves look better. Shallow people, in other words.

Wait, so you’re telling me that a group of people, when presented with evidence that they were wrong, DIDN’T fly into a confused rage, try to discredit all their opponents, refuse to retract the unsupported information, and start a whole branch of alternative science just so they could avoid admitting they might have

Why do VODs even exist? Who’s actually going back and watching a streamer’s back catalogue?

It’s a bit of hyperbole to say the official unveiling of Hogwarts Legacy was a complete disaster, seeing as how no one outside of the twitosphere or reddit actually gives a shit about Rowling, as far as I can tell.

No, I don’t think I will explain that for you. As I said, I don’t wish to pick further nits. The aim of terrorism is to terrorize. People were terrorized. Thus, terrorism. End of discussion, thank you.

Uh okay, don’t know why it’s on me to define terrorism for you, but sure:

Maybe they called him a terrorist because, by definition, he was a terrorist?

While I think that the petty responses in this thread are ridiculous, if they decide to move that ship, who is going to physically stop them? They don’t want to sink it in the canal, surely. Will they fly a crack team of ships captains onto the ship and force a takeover? How many people in the world are even capable

People in the military do not have easy access to fully automatic weapons and night vision gear. Everything is logged, tracked, and locked up in an armory that is fully controlled by an armorer and assistant armorer, and nothing comes out of that door without paperwork saying who, what, why, when, for how long, and

Are you fucking serious dude? There was a semi on his right and the travel lane on his left, and the tire was in view for maybe 2 seconds. His options were ‘slow down’ and ‘die’.

The game that made EDF popular in the west was on Xbox 360.

It makes my dick fly off right before I crumble to dust like Thanos snapped.

Mini Eggs are the superior Easter treat, and everyone knows it. That’s why you can now buy resealable bags of them that are 3x the size of the former largest bag.

Doubtful as having a server based solution was always going to cost them money. No company builds an endless money hole into their product unless they plan to pour someone else’s money into that hole.

Everything that their ‘service’ does could be done locally, on your own computer. The fact that it’s a cloud based solution that requires an account only means that this was their plan from the very start.