
bUt JaSoN sChrOdInGaRz DeLaYeD a GaMe LuLz

“Also yes, the experience of actually running Castrum and Praetorium isn’t great for a new player.”

I’m forever in the greys, but let me tell you, the final payoff in ARR before Heavensward was genuinely one of the most amazing, emotional, and unexpected things I have ever seen in ANY story based game, let alone an MMO, where you expect some people and things to go on forever unchanged. If you haven’t yet, do not

“In the second I find a dungeon save spot thinking it’s the end only to realize I’m not even a third of the way through it. Random encounters with spongy enemies pile up one after the other, failing to reward me with as much XP and gold as I would like while also soaking up the majority of my healing items. I

I don’t have any dogs in this fight, being smart enough to avoid saddling myself with an eating, shitting debt machine for a large part of my adult life, but you know, I sure didn’t see you actually refute anyone’s points that this is an easily removed device that appears to be nothing more or less than a digital

Did you even read the article? That was rhetorical, because you obviously did not.

Just locker room talk, am I right?

Wow, a foul-mouthed but cute princess! Never seen THAT before! SO ORIGINAL

This is some garbage. Brokers should not be able to control what you can and cannot buy with your money. Robinhood was more than happy to take money from my bank account and place it in theirs last night, then this morning they’ve informed me that all my buy orders have been cancelled.

The Discord was banned because billionaires and their dollars told the owners of Discord to do so in a shit attempt to stop them from coordinating their continued attack on GME shorts, because they’re literally losing billions of dollars because of reddit day traders fucking around.

It’d be nice if they fixed it, the Switch version had some kind of bug in the crafting minigame that made the anvil appearance rate so low that it was basically impossible to craft even the lowest tier items.

Since you can’t buy literally anything in good conscience these days, and Rowling already made her money, why not just pursue the things that make you happy and stop worrying about it?

Got a link? I’ll sell 99 3080's for only $100 above MSRP.

I actually subscribed to Geforce Now today just for this reason and, while the 1080p limitation isn’t great, the bump in graphics from what my local machine can run on a 1070TI to what I can get from GFN makes it worth the $5 a month until I can secure my own 3080.

No one thinks it’s a question of rights or free speech. Some people think it’s ridiculous, because it is. The term ‘blind playthrough’ has no negative connotations, and blind itself has dozens of different definitions. Furthermore, please find me a blind person who gave a single shit what the Twitch tags say.

Are you aware how much your comment reads like ad-copy? Astro-turfers are usually a LITTLE less transparent.

If you can make one Macbook toting hipster spill his triple soy latte in shock then it’s 100% worth it.

Burgermaster is anything but cheap. Last time I got a burger there it was like 9 bucks. At that point I might as well be at Blazing Onion.

How can you possibly be this bothered by made up aliens eating each other?

Because it doesn’t matter for movies. Movies are extremely easy to pirate; if someone wants a digital version they just go get it. With games, you can’t just go get a digital version easily, so it’s in the publishers best interests to double dip.