
Nice article! I love it. I healed all through my time in WOW and while I was never in a hardcore raiding guild I did do some raids and it was always a stressful rush but in a good way. When I started FF14 I fully intended to leave all the worries behind and play a DPS. Started as a Pugilist, got about halfway through

You don’t need Schreier for this info. Anyone who pays attention to the industry could tell you they’ll be talking about it to high level developers and publishers for the rest of 2019, with a probable partial reveal at the end of the year if they do a PSX or something like it, or maybe even at the Game Awards. A full

It’d be kind of cool to see Joker in a game where his most fucked up shit could be real and didn’t have to be censored, though. 

Q: How many more times will Kotaku intentionally misrepresent the term “homo demens” on purpose to whip up some delicious internet churn?

What’s the world like when you’re constantly going out of your way to be offended by inoffensive shit? Gotta be pretty miserable, I’d think. 

None of your examples of ‘bad’ results from this regulation are worth preserving.

I’m not sure why you couldn’t but I definitely had the ability to use rocks during the awful NERO missions. 

Every one of those ridiculous outfits and faces just made me think ‘There is no Dana, only Zuul’.

Meanwhile, the only option for us Mei fans is a single Nendoroid. No figmas, no action figures. 

Do you actually think his name is Pritchford or is this some kind of insult you’re trying to make?

Right? Approaching mentally unbalanced people who apparently have guns is a job for a people without any protection. 

You probably did an escort quest that led you into the bandit infested highlands, right? Those bandits don’t really fuck around and the NPCs are by and large fairly useless, it’s not so much that you’re playing wrong as it is those quests are genuinely tough and you have to be ready for the attacks beforehand. My

As a guy with basically that body shape, I thought the scene was pretty funny. Also, Korg was the one playing and losing, not Thor. This article is once again a swing and a miss. 

The beauty of Dreams is that almost without limitations it can be exactly what anyone expects. 

I disagree. I felt that both the Ape and DoH were very out of place in the world of Sekiro, a game about cool ninja sword fighting. I did not enjoy either fight and avoided the second Ape fight and DoH in all my NG+ runs. Contrasted to that I have several saves backed up before what I actually feel are the most fun

No. Saved games and other minor game data are saved locally to the console. If you have PS+ you have the OPTION of uploading your saves to the cloud servers and the OPTION to have that done for you automatically each day, but it’s not the default and if you aren’t a PS+ subscriber you can’t use it at all.

The ps4 version is $30. 

The ps4 version is $30. 

Personally I found Hollow Knight to be pretty boring. Castlevanias have had a wide range of interesting ways to attack and interesting things to do. Hollow Knight is a pretty bare bones game in that respect.

No big releases?! Are you blind or just sadly ignorant of the amazing series that is Earth Defense Force? If you’re ignorant, you should fix that soonest; those games are amazing stupid fun. 

It’s not about PC players. It’s about people with phones and tablets who now, in theory, can play AAA games on their devices wherever they are. No more need to spend 1800 dollars on a top tier gaming laptop so you can at least get a few years out of it before it’s no longer up to scratch, your $150 Chromebook can do