
Loved CotND, wish this had a more concrete release date since Spring is such a wide window...

This isn’t to entice players, it’s to lessen the amount of bitching about lost money when they shut the game down in a year or so.

I did the Project Stream beta for the free game, played it for about 6 hours total although the in game clock only tracked 2:26 of that, and then Ubisoft said I didn’t meet the requirements for the free copy. Soured me on the whole deal.

Use the pokeball accessory like the apples from Pokémon Snap. 

That’s way easier than the bug I used to make 500 million like 2 years ago. THAT one involved shooting explosive ammo while using the movie maker in single player st your feet then quitting out at a precise moment to Online, then trading all your properties, over and over. It was slow to get rolling because you had to

Free is still too much for this dumpster fire of a game. 

I REALLY hope they make them go back to the old way for the next game. 

A lot of fairly useless items got improved but I believe the harder stuff got harder? Spartan Sandals are a fun AND useful weapon now, for instance.

The game is so different there’s no way an in progress game would work, you’ll just have to start a new run. Is it really that big a deal in a run based game?

It doesn’t matter what Nintendo THINKS about emulators and emulation in general. Courts already upheld the legality of emulation almost two decades ago. There’s nothing illegal or even immoral about creating and using an emulator. The illegality only comes in when people use a legal tool, an emulator, to illegally

How the shit does someone who doesn’t understand basic tech get a job as a tech writer?

100% chance you can spend a few extra v bucks to cycle the llama early instead of waiting for a day. What a crock of shit, they just add one extra step to the randomization and suddenly morons think it’s fair. Guess what, now you know what’s in the first one you buy and it’s the second one and every one after that

Says you. I’m a huge fan of the three real Mass Effect games, the first Dragon Age, and both KOTORs and I also love loot shooters. Making those genres kiss and have a baby sounds like the best thing ever to me. 

Now for the inevitable follow up system which NoJ will decide to name the Nintendo Switch On!!, despite repeated attempts by NoA to dissuade them from the course. Sales will be weak due to consumer confusion and NoJ will be mystified by this yet again. 

Pile bunker fist weapon is the best in the game imo. Short attacking animations, small stamina drain, heavy hitting. 

No one ever talks about this game in the light that Valve essentially was trying to just create an infinite money machine where they create artificial scarcity of fake cards, charge people to buy those cards, and then make a little bit more money every single time players sell those cards to each other on their closed

Other than the laughable translation, Breath of Fire II is one of the best RPGs on the SNES.

I’d say that N64 and the GameBoy or GameBoy Advance is far more likely than Gamecube, which is still getting rereleases of many of the best games on it today.

Wish they had figured out a way to make my boy Mac a viable character while still retaining his personality as a boots on ground boxer. Having no air game in Smash is an instant trip to bottom tier, unfortunately. 

Because everyone knows the greatest modern sin is hurting someone else’s feelings.